Deccan Chronicle

Don’t lose focus of what you want

- Yogi Ashwini

Most rishis of yesteryear had wives and children, some had multiple wives as well. Sex was not a taboo in Vedic India. It is a natural urge in the body. A woman would create the same reaction in any man, if he is a normal man. But then, just as it is natural for a human to have a sexual urge, it is also natural for the body to age and perish. In my early years of sadhna, I came across a Babaji in the Himalayas. As I spoke to him, he revealed that he used to keep away from women. I thought for a while and asked him, “But then what do you in case of a nocturnal discharge?” Hearing this Babaji fumed, and told me off.

My journey in the spiritual world has been practical and experienti­al rather than theory. I have drawn conclusion­s. There is a natural mechanism of the body, where the semen starts collecting in the sacs. And when the sacs are full, it tends to discharge, even in absence of stimulatio­n. So then what does one do? That Babaji in Himalayas had no answer to this. After years of practising brahmachar­ya, I have come to conclude it is possible to control even a nocturnal fall. The key is to master one’s thought and to keep focus on your saadhya. Interestin­gly the further you progress in your journey/sadhna, the tougher it gets. Because as you conserve your force, the potency of sukra multiplies. It translates as glow or radiance which acts as a magnet to the women. They can sense the force of the sukra, and without even realising are pulled towards you (because while loss of sutra translates as aging for the man, it is food for the woman, provided she absorbs it as energy and not for pleasure. If the woman uses it for pleasure, then that force is lost to creation).

In trying times, you can do what I often tell my students to do. They have made a gallery of before and after pictures of people who are heavily into indulgence. The transition is scary to say the least. Whenever they find themselves in a weak moment, they take a look at those pictures. The thought disappears, just like that… The writer, the guiding light of Dhyan Foundation, is an authority on yoga, tantra and the Vedic sciences. His recent book is Sanatan Kriya, The Ageless Dimension. Contact him at dhyan@dhyanfound­

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