Deccan Chronicle

Petition calls on Air India to allow hiring of third gender


An online petition has been stated to urge Air India to amend its recruitmen­t rules to allow a candidate from the third gender to apply for a job.

Started by Shipra Parswani, a Mumbaibase­d activist, the petition is in support of Ms Shanavi Ponnusamy, 26, an engineer, who is being rejected by Air India since 2016 because it does not have a category for transgende­r women like her.

Ms Ponnuswamy wrote to President Ram Nath Kovind requesting mercy killing as she could not meet her daily expenses, after which Ms Parswani started the petition addressed to AI chairman and managing

Started by Shipra Parswani, a Mumbai-based activist, the petition is in support of Ms Shanavi Ponnusamy, 26, an engineer, who is being rejected by Air India since 2016.

director Pradeep Singh Kharola to create a new recruitmen­t category.

AI’s reluctance comes despite a Supreme Court ruling recognisin­g transgende­r people as the third gender. The Court had also directed the government to provide transgende­r people with quotas in jobs and education, similar to other minorities.

Ms Ponnuswamy filed a petition in the Supreme Court in 2017 which issued notices to Air India and the ministry of civil aviation. Neither has replied.

Mr Bittu Karthik, an LGBT activist who supported Ms Ponnuswamy from the beginning told the newspaper, “The way Air India has treated Shanavi is typical of what transpeopl­e face when seeking employment: despite being strongly qualified. Shanavi is an engineer, employers find innovative excuses to deny transpeopl­e employment.”

In her online petition, Ms Parswani stated “Shanavi’s is not an isolated case. There are thousands, lakhs like Shanavi, who face mental agony at virtually every step in their lives.”

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