Deccan Chronicle

More non-Covid-19 treating doctors died


More doctors practicing in the non-Covid 19 sectors have died than those treating Covid-19 cases, Many of them were unable to understand when they contracted the virus and dismissed the initial symptoms.

Data with the Indian Medical Associatio­n (IMA) shows that 188 general practition­ers across the country were infected as they were the first point of contact with patients, from March to May.

These doctors were infected as asymptomat­ic carriers could not be identified and only those with severe cases were tested. Their exposure rate was very high but protection was minimal.

While the IMA repeatedly pointed out that all asymptomat­ic carriers are suspect Covid-19 cases, the actual follow up was not done at the clinical level.

Dr Sanjiv Singh Yadav, Telangana state secretary of Indian Medical Associatio­n (IMA), said, “Three reasons are noted for the death of these doctors. One, there was minimal protection in the beginning and the infectious nature of the virus was not taken seriously by many. Two the first few batches of Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) kits were not of good quality. Third, use of face shields in non-Covid

19 practice was not followed.”

Doctors in the age-group of 30-50 years have died, leading to alarm in the IMA. In Telangana state,

11 doctors have died and three in a serious condition.

Experts state that none of the doctors were asymptomat­ic; they did not act in time when there were symptoms.

Cough, cold, fever, diarrhoea and gastric problems which were missed due to the high workload.

Dr C. Vijay Kumar, senior pulmonolog­ist at Apollo Hospitals, explained, “While wearing protective gear, we cannot even drink water. Some healthcare workers removed masks and face shields to drink water and contracted the virus. This makes it very important to follow the protocols of hand washing and wearing masks in hospital set-ups.”

A total of 87,000 healthcare workers have been infected with Covid

19 nationwide, of whom

2,006 are undergoing treatment.

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