Deccan Chronicle

India may overtake US in Oct. in number of Covid-19 cases

Delhi breaches 2,000-mark indicating that the curve is rising again


After being admitted to AIIMS for post-Covid care, Home Minister Amit Shah was discharged on Monday after 13 days.

During his stay in AIIMS, the minster was attending to all his official work from the hospital itself.

Ministry officials claimed that Shah was likely to attend his North Block office in the next couple of days.

He was discharged from AIIMS on Monday at around 7 am.

Shah was admitted to AIIMS on August 18 after he complained of “fatigue and body ache” having recovered from Corona.

Earlier, the Home Minister was admitted to the Medanta hospital in Gurgaon after he tested positive for the Coronaviru­s.

Shah had himself tweeted on August 14 that he would be in home isolation for a few more days on the advice of his doctors even after recovering.

Ministry officials claimed that Shah had now recovered completely.

Meanwhile, home ministry, which is the nodal agency for administra­tive issues related to Corona, is putting in place a detailed blueprint to deal with the crisis as India recorded its biggest increase in cases of 78,761 on Monday.

It is estimated that India will overtake Brazil next month and US in October with most Corona cases in the world.

Delhi too breached the 2,000-mark on Monday after nearly two months indicating that Corona curve was once again on the rise.

Now that limited operations of metro are likely to resume from September 7, officials felt that there could be a sharp increase in cases.

Thus, efforts are being made to further strengthen the health infrastruc­ture, particular­ly on availabili­ty of beds, in all the states.

Home ministry has also permitted states to decide on their lockdown schedule though advising them to ensure that supply chain of essential commoditie­s is not disrupted.

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