Deccan Chronicle

Merkel condemns ‘shameful’ virus stir Germany tells Russia to probe poisoning

38,000 had gathered in Berlin on Saturday to protest restrictio­ns to curb Coronaviru­s


Berlin, Aug. 31: German Chancellor Angela Merkel on Monday condemned as “shameful” an attempt by protesters angry at Coronaviru­s restrictio­ns to storm Parliament, saying they had abused the right to demonstrat­e peacefully.

Several hundred people tried to get into the Reichstag building during a rally against Coronaviru­s rules in Berlin on Saturday.

“This right to demonstrat­e peacefully is of course a very valuable asset even during a pandemic,” Merkel’s spokesman Steffen Seibert said at a government press conference in Berlin.

However, he said their actions were “a clear abuse”.

“The result was disgracefu­l images at the Reichstag which are unacceptab­le, anti-democrats trying to make themselves heard on the steps of our democratic Parliament,” he said.

Police estimated 38,000 people, double the number expected, gathered in Berlin on Saturday to protest at restrictio­ns imposed to curb the spread of the Coronaviru­s, such as wearing masks and social distancing. Several hundred broke through barriers and a police cordon to climb the steps leading to the entrance to the Reichstag. They were narrowly prevented from

Paris, Aug. 31: Germany on Monday urged Moscow to step up its efforts to investigat­e the apparent poisoning of opposition leader Alexei Navalny who is currently being treated at a Berlin hospital in a coma.

Foreign minister Heiko Maas said in an address to French ambassador­s that Europe needed “constructi­ve” relations with Russia for the sake of the continent’s own security but it was clear now that “dark clouds” were hanging over bilateral ties.

entering the building by police, who used pepper spray and arrested several people.

Merkel praised as “quick-witted and brave” three police officers who were seen pushing back crowds from the entrance to the Reichstag alone until reinforcem­ents arrived. President FrankWalte­r Steinmeier on Monday invited the officers to Berlin's Bellevue Palace to thank them for their work. He described the protesters’ actions as “despicable”, adding: “We will not tolerate any antidemocr­atic smear campaign or disparagem­ent of the Federal Republic of Germany at the

“Of course we have the expectatio­n that Russia should contribute more to clearing up of the Navalny case than it is doing at the moment,” he said alongside French counterpar­t Jean-Yves Le Drian. Berlin’s Charite hospital said on Friday there was “some improvemen­t” in Navalny's condition, but the 44-year-old remains in a medically induced coma and on a ventilator. Navalny fell ill after boarding a plane in Siberia earlier this month.

Bundestag.” About 300 people were arrested in scuffles with police, in front of the Reichstag but also outside the Russian embassy, where protesters pelted police with bottles.

Resistance to Coronaviru­s restrictio­ns in Germany has gathered pace in recent weeks with demos attracting a diverse crowd of conspiracy theorists, anti-vaxxers and farright or far-left activists.

Health minister Jens Spahn was spat on at the weekend as he tried to talk to protesters in Bergisch Gladbach. Seibert condemned the incident, saying it was ”certainly not democratic dialogue”.

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