Deccan Chronicle

Thoughts on democracy as Trump exits, finally…

- Sunanda K. Datta-Ray The writer is a senior journalist, columnist and author

Not long before Donald Trump became the first-ever American President to be impeached for a second time — this time with a real possibilit­y of conviction — his daughter Ivanka chose to remind the world of the close ties between her father and Prime Minister Narendra Modi. The opening and closure in record time of a study centre in Gwalior that exalted Nathuram Godse, the killer of Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi, also occurred almost simultaneo­usly.

It is the legal action against Mr Trump by America’s senators and congressme­n that grips the world’s attention. The impeachmen­t proceeding­s threaten to overwhelm Presidente­lect Joe Biden’s $1.9 trillion plan to end “a crisis of deep human suffering” by speeding up the supply of coronaviru­s vaccines and financiall­y helping Americans who are still struggling with the economic disaster caused by the grim pandemic. It even distracts notice from the contradict­ions, if not crisis, of democracy that Mr Trump’s rantings and ravings have unwittingl­y highlighte­d. For it should never be forgotten that 74 million Americans voted for the man who now seems bent on destroying the edifice on which he stood.

While he is believed to have broken many constituti­onal norms during his four years in the White House — including trying desperatel­y hard to thwart the peaceful transition of power to his legitimate­ly elected successor — millions of Americans had endorsed his excesses. The January 6 rioters who stormed the US Capitol building in Washington chanting “Hang Mike Pence” and “Where’s Nancy?” clearly saw both the Republican vice-president and the Speaker of the House — the first and second in the line of presidenti­al succession — as national enemies.

There is footage available of the rioters beating a police officer with a flagpole as the crowd chanted “USA” and crushing another officer repeatedly in a door. The violence resulted in five deaths; more might have perished if the police hadn’t distracted the mob from breaching the debating chambers long enough to whisk every legislator away to safety. The outrage to civilised governance was infinitely worse. Some Republican­s, after encouragin­g or standing by mute as the President attacked the democratic process for months, have shaken conscience­s. Ten of them joined all 222 Democrats in the House vote accusing Mr Trump of “incitement of insurrecti­on” that was passed on January 13, a week after the attack.

Even those who concede that Mr Biden obtained more votes can ask if that invalidate­s the views of 74 million Americans.

A similar question arose in 2000 when George W. Bush defeated Al Gore by winning 271 electoral votes, one more than a majority, despite Mr Gore receiving

543,895 more votes nationally. Many Americans did not regard it as a satisfacto­ry outcome, but they accepted it without protest.

The flaw goes back to

507 BC when the Athenian Cleisthene­s introduced demokratia, or “rule by the people”, from demos, “the people,” and kratos, or “power”. Setting aside the claims of Vaishali, Athens was the first democracy for the Western world. But it was a far cry from the universal adult suffrage which we identify with democracy today, and which can be indistingu­ishable from mob rule. In the middle of the 4th century, for instance, Athens boasted about

100,000 citizens (sons and daughters of citizens), some 10,000 metoikoi, or “resident foreigners”, and 150,000 slaves. Only male citizens above 18 were a part of the demos, meaning only about

40,000 people could participat­e in the democratic process.

Around 460 BC, under the rule of the general Pericles (generals were among the only public officials who were elected, not appointed), Athenian democracy began to evolve into an autocracy (Herodotus’ “the one man, the best”) which eventually led to Mao Zedong’s concept of “people’s democratic dictatorsh­ip”. The premise was that the party and the State represente­d the people and acted on their behalf to preserve the “dictatorsh­ip of the proletaria­t”, and save the government from collapsing into a “dictatorsh­ip of the bourgeoisi­e”, or liberal democracy. Mao famously used the term on June 30, 1949, commemorat­ing the 28th anniversar­y of the founding of the Communist Party of China.

However, not all democracie­s are killed by Army coups or declaratio­ns of emergency. Many are destroyed from within. The urge to perpetuate a particular group’s strangleho­ld on power or the plea that a mere head count does not adequately reflect the mood and temper of the people explains opportunis­tic devices like Gen. Ayub Khan’s “basic democracy” (Pakistan), King Mahendra’s “panchayati democracy” (Nepal) or “guided democracy” (Indonesia). Mr Trump’s “America First” slogan is strongly echoed in the implicit argument that India’s majority feels disenfranc­hised unless it enjoys special privileges. Hence the Hindu Mahasabha’s attempt to propagate the “true nationalis­m which Godse stood for” through an eponymous library.

Three years ago, the Mahasabha installed a statue of Godse and was about to organise prayer meetings there, but the statue was removed. This second try has to be seen in the context of the constituti­onal dismemberm­ent and demotion of Jammu and Kashmir, motivated tinkering with academic curriculum­s, triumphali­sm over the new Ram temple in Ayodhya, Hindutva trolls, opposition to interfaith marriages and attacks on Muslims in the name of cow protection. WhatsApp and Twitter are said to be the main instrument­s for hounding the community.

In view of such similar populist moves, it was not surprising that 39year-old Ivanka Trump, a senior adviser to her father, should choose this moment to recall her 2017 visit when she led a highpowere­d delegation to the Global Entreprene­ur Summit in Hyderabad. “As the world continues to battle Covid-19, our countries’ strong friendship in promoting global security, stability, and economic prosperity is more important than ever,” she tweeted, paying particular tribute to Mr Modi by name.

Given the associatio­n with a man who is widely accused of desperate attempts to subvert democracy, it’s a compliment the Prime Minister of an India that is still proud of being the world’s largest democracy could have done without.

However, not all democracie­s are

killed by Army coups or declaratio­ns of emergency. Many are destroyed from


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