Deccan Chronicle



A low-intensity improvised explosive device (IED) detonated near the Israeli embassy in New Delhi’s high security Lutyens’ Zone on Friday evening, less than 2 km from Vijay Chowk where the President, Prime Minister and other VIPs had gathered for the Beating Retreat ceremony as it was going on. No one was, however, injured in the minor blast.

The Delhi police, during investigat­ion, found a letter addressed to embassy officials in an envelope. Sources said Israel was treating the blast as a “terrorist incident”.

Arun Mittal, Delhi police’s additional PRO, said a very low-intensity improvised device went off at around 5 pm Friday at A.P.J. Abdul Kalam Road, where the embassy is situated, near Jindal House. “No injury to any person was reported, nor was there any damage to property except the glass panes of three vehicles parked nearby. Initial reports suggest it could be a mischievou­s attempt to create a sensation,” said Mittal.

Atul Garg, director of Delhi Fire Services, said a call about the blast was received on Friday, after which three fire tenders were rushed to the spot.

The embassy said in a statement, “An explosion occurred a short while ago, close to the Israeli embassy in New Delhi. There are no casualties, and no harm was done to the building. All diplomats and staff are safe.”

As part of the SOP (standard operating procedure) in such situations, an alert was issued at all airports, important installati­ons and government buildings in the country, and “enhanced security measures have been put in place”, said the CISF.

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