Deccan Chronicle

Scents of positivity


L-Amy Leigh Mercree,

author, Essential Oils Handbook: Recipes for Natural Living ast week, we discussed how essential oils, aromatic herbs or incenses can be used to improve our spiritual practices as well as attract prosperity, abundance, good health, love, and psychic protection. In today’s column, we explore a few more aromatic herbs and oils that can do wonders to you.

Camphor (Cinnamomum camphora): Burning camphor purifies the environmen­t and drives away all negative energies and evil spirits. In essence, camphor essential oil brings about protection and purificati­on. Put ten drops in your bath water for protection. Also, burning camphor every day brings about wealth and prosperity to your family.

Cinnamon essential oil (Cinnamomum zeylanicum): Cinnamon transforms sadness into happiness. Blend cinnamon essential oil with carrier oils to be used on the skin to increase collagen levels for up to six hours.

Clove essential oil (Eugenia caryophyll­ata): This essential oil attracts riches, banishes negativity, increases spiritual vibrations, purifies, and protects. Clove essential oil can also be worn as a body perfume, to attract love.

“There are many different oils that have a beneficial effect

on your mind.”

Fennel (Foeniculum vulgare dulce): Fennel brings clarity and solutions. It soothes and vitalises one’s dispositio­n. While Roman soldiers are believed to have chewed the seeds before going to battle, the Greeks believed that the plant granted long life and fortitude. Placing 3-5 drops of the fennel essential oil in an aroma lamp wards off evil spirits and brings longevity.

Jasmine (Jasminum officinale): Jasmine attracts compassion and love. Wear jasmine essential oil as a perfume to attract love, both spiritual and physical.

Orange (Citrus sinensis): Orange essential oil brings happiness to the heart and vitality to the spirit. Add it to your bath water to attract love. Wear it as a body perfume to attract luck and wealth. Use it to attract new friends, improve health, and gain confidence.

Engage your sense of smell by using aromatic herbs and essential oils that are naturally extracted from flowers, leaves, fruit, bark and roots. They have true healing benefits and shall bring about physical, emotional and spiritual wellbeing.

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