Deccan Chronicle




This week you have picked the card of deception and betrayal. It seems that you have a hidden agenda or are trying to do something secretivel­y. It might also be possible that you are slyly trying to escape from a situation, maybe work or a relationsh­ip. It is time to gather your integrity and face whatever challenges that life has thrown at you.

You might be trying to do everything on your own as you think that is the best way things can be done properly. However, by doing this you are ignoring the joys of camaraderi­e.

Lucky Number: 7 Lucky colour: Sky Blue

Affirmatio­n from Light Seers Tarot: I act from a place of love and the universe witnesses my intentions

SEP 24 TO OCT 23

This week, the cards manifest as a closed heart. This reveals that you have erected many barriers around you to protect yourself from what you perceive as danger. If the barrier is broken suddenly, it will be painful. But if the barrier is allowed to remain it will become stronger and tension will build until it breaks on its own. Thus, it is better to let go of all blockages and conscious barriers. It is also a time when you deliberate­ly avoid seeing the truth. Maybe one of your ideas has been proven incorrect and, though you see that you were wrong, you do not want to admit it. It is better to accept the truth than remain in the dark.

Lucky Number: 2

Lucky Color: Moonlight White

Affirmatio­n from Light Seers Tarot: When blinded by the sun, I trust myself to find the brightest light

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