Deccan Chronicle

Climate vows see world nearing Paris goal

Over 190 countries participat­ed in Paris accord 6 yrs ago French parliament to vote new climate law


Berlin, May 4: Recent pledges by the United States and other nations could help cap global warming at 2 degrees Celsius (3.6 Fahrenheit) by the end of the century, but only if goals to reduce greenhouse gas emissions to “net zero” by 2050 succeed, scientists said on Tuesday.

More than 190 countries agreed in Paris six years ago to keep average temperatur­e increases below that level — ideally no more than 1.5 C (2.7 F) — by 2100 compared to preindustr­ial times. The Climate Action Tracker, compiled by a group of researcher­s who translate emission pledges into temperatur­e estimates, projects that the world is currently set to overshoot the Paris accord’s target by 0.9 degrees. But if 131 countries that make up almost three-quarters of global emissions meet their pledged or discussed “net zero” goal, then the 2-degree target could be met, said Niklas Hoehne of the New Climate Institute. That’s 0.1 C cooler than the previous optimistic forecast the group made in December.

Hoehne said US President Joe Biden’s recent ambitious new climate goals had contribute­d significan­tly to the revised estimate, along with the European Union, China, Japan and Britain. But the pledges still fall short and have to be further revised going forward, he said. “We have to halve global emissions in the next 10 years,” he said. —

Paris, May 4: The French parliament is set to vote through a new climate change law on Tuesday intended by President Emmanuel Macron to reinforce his green credential­s one year ahead of national polls.

The draft legislatio­n is almost certain to be approved in a first reading by the lower house of parliament, where Macron has a working majority, but it has been heavily criticised by environmen­tal groups.

Campaigner­s see it as too timid given the pace of climate change globally and accuse the French leader of half-hearted commitment to a cause he has admitted to embracing belatedly.

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