Deccan Chronicle

PM’s security sacrosanct: Don’t play politics with it


Even in the most politicall­y divided of societies, especially a democratic one like India; there is a need for a minimum national consensus, which should never be questioned or disturbed. The most divided of polities must concede to this truism, and amongst the most sacrosanct of consensus must be around the security of the office of the Prime Minister of India. India has paid a huge price to political assassinat­ions. We lost the Father of our Nation, Mahatma Gandhi, to a murderer’s bullet. While in office, Prime Minister Indira Gandhi was gunned down, while her son, a former Prime Minister, Rajiv Gandhi lost his life to a security lapse, blown away by a suicide bomber.

The nation has paid a heavy price for each of these killings — a period of turmoil and chaos — and other unpreceden­ted acts of social madness — leaving us shattered for long after the official period of mourning. Punjab, as a state, and Congress as a political party, have suffered a huge, disproport­ionate share of such episodes of national tragedy.

What happened to Prime Minister Narendra Modi on Wednesday — when his convoy was forcibly stranded on a flyover for nearly 20 minutes on his way to an election rally in Ferozepur in Punjab — even as protesters blocked his way — was a clear breach of security of the highest official of the nation’s executive. It is absolutely unpardonab­le.

The political game of one-upmanship and pointing the blame started almost immediatel­y after Prime Minister Modi was taken back to the airport, without attending the rally. Both the Congress and the BJP must realise that Mr Modi is the Prime Minister of India, of over 140 crore people — not of a political party. His security cannot be compromise­d at any cost, and no one responsibl­e for the lapse should be spared.

The Punjab state government has clearly failed in its task to ensure a glitch-free transit for Mr Modi. The state police had given the SPG a blocked route to travel. If the police have shared such sensitive and confidenti­al informatio­n with protesters at the site, it is a breach of criminal magnitude.

In an election year, bitter graceless politickin­g over the issue has come as a highly disappoint­ing developmen­t for the people who believe in democracy most. The matter would be held in the Supreme Court on Friday even as a two-member panel has been appointed to probe the entire incident.

The report should bring to fore the reasons for the lapses and punish those who erred, but also, more significan­tly, ensure there are lessons for all state government­s. The PM security playbook must be made free of any error and clear rules defined to the tiniest detail, comprehens­ively covering every possibilit­y.

Political parties and leaders, without exception, must desist from making this issue a political debate, or worse, a mockery of the situation and lowering the seriousnes­s of the matter. India owes it to its Prime Minister, people and a sense of having learnt from history.

The PM security playbook must be made free of any

error and clear rules defined to the tiniest detail, comprehens­ively covering every


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