Deccan Chronicle

Creative clarity brings change



IARIES March 21 - April 20

t's not that you're becoming more intelligen­t. It's that you're finding it easier to focus your ideas. You're aware of what you need to do in order to make progress. You also know that there's nothing to be gained from allowing your emotions to cloud your judgment. Even if you're dealing with an issue you feel passionate about, you need to be pragmatic and logical. If you use your feelings to fuel your efforts, and apply all the common sense at your disposal, you'll be well on the way to getting the results you desire.

IN YOUR LOVE LIFE: Not getting what you desire? Give out more of what you wish for instead… free audio and video forecasts:

TAURUS April 21-May 21

I f you've seen a rock band rehearsing, you'll know that the bass player always turns up the volume so they're heard above the drums. The guitarist, who can't be heard because of the bass, follows suit. Which means the person on keyboards has to do the same. This doesn't give the drummer much choice; they have to play even harder. In your world, various forces are battling for your attention. No wonder you feel as if you've got a headache! If you turn the volume down on what you're doing, everything else will follow suit this week.

IN YOUR LOVE LIFE: You’ve done enough to help; don’t be guilt-tripped into weakening… free audio and video forecasts:

GEMINI May 22-June 22

I t's easy to think negative thoughts. They pop into our minds as easily as less-than-healthy snacks pop into our mouths. Positive thoughts, like healthy foods, require a bit more effort; it's easy to find sugary, salty stuff - but if you seek a better diet you need to go further to meet your needs. You won't have to go far to find someone who's dismayed or unhappy with the world this week. And they'll happily encourage you to feel as they do. But, if you know what's good for you, you'll seek out more positive, productive company.

IN YOUR LOVE LIFE: There is a chance

to make a delightful discovery this week… free audio and video forecasts:

Peter Jackson's Beatles documentar­y gives us a fascinatin­g insight into the creative process. Songwriter­s are often portrayed as the recipients of divinely inspired forces which gift them with fully formed musical masterpiec­es. And while we see the muse at work, the film also shows how much inspiratio­n depends on perspirati­on. As Venus and

Uranus converge, and Mercury heads home, creative clarity brings change. Yet the

Supermoon indicates that the harder we work, the more satisfying the transforma­tions will be.

CANCER June 23-July 23

B efore you proceed any further you need to complete a form. This involves either going to the office where the form comes from, or downloadin­g it and printing it out. Either way involves effort and things that 'could go wrong'. The world's full of people stuck in situations like this. This week, be aware that you could get caught up in a similarly frustratin­g situation. You've been persuaded to think in a particular way by what sounds like a logical argument. Yet, if you keep looking for an idea that makes more sense, you'll find it.


It is in giving that we receive; happy events will naturally ensue… free audio and video forecasts:

LEO July 24-August 23

W e're surrounded by chasms of chaos. Some are clearly marked, and well fenced off. Others are disguised as tiny potholes on the road to the future. How can you be sure you won't inadverten­tly fall into one of these this week? You can't. But you can considerab­ly reduce the chance of stumbling into a problemati­c situation by choosing to pursue a specific policy. Don't dash headlong into every interestin­g proposal that comes your way. And don't rise to the bait of any antagonist­ic challenges. Stay on an even keel.

IN YOUR LOVE LIFE: A small problem will disappear if you concede a little ground… free audio and video forecasts:

LIBRA September 24-October 23

W hen you're smiling, the whole world smiles with you'. If only this were always the case. Sometimes though, a smile isn't just overlooked, it's returned with a scowl. It's as if people are so cross that any efforts to bring a ray of sunshine into their world makes them even crosser. Yet, ruled by Venus, the planet of love, when you smile, not only do you feel better about the world, but you think more clearly and are more open to inspiratio­n. Whatever makes you smile this week can keep you smiling for a long time to come.

IN YOUR LOVE LIFE: Don't let yourself be defined by someone else; your

qualities will shine through… free audio and video forecasts:

VIRGO August 24-September 23

A lthough you're a loyal

Virgo, you know where to draw the line. You can see the boundary between being dedicated and being devoted. You give people the benefit of the doubt, but keep your critical faculties alert. Yet, like the line between the sea and the sand, these lines ebb and flow. And, if you're not paying attention, you can end up getting wet. This week, if you watch for subtle signals, you'll know when to pull back and when to walk forwards. Then, you'll make safe progress towards improving a key relationsh­ip.

IN YOUR LOVE LIFE: Frustrated? Don't dwell too long on that or you may miss an opportunit­y… free audio and video


SCORPIO October 24-November 22


e used to talk about 'screwing up the courage' to do something daunting. This expression encompasse­s the notion that unless we 'screw something up' we can't manifest true courage, or the wisdom required to forge new territory. Success is impossible without failure. If we've never experience­d difficulti­es, we can't appreciate simplicity. People who never make mistakes are either deluded, or they're disasters waiting to happen. Things haven't gone as you'd planned recently. Which is why they're going to go well this week.

IN YOUR LOVE LIFE: Beauty's only skin deep; charm matters more, and you have loads… free audio and video


CAPRICORN December 22-January 20

S ocietal values change. It wasn't so long ago that unmarried couples had to be chaperoned when they spent time together. Nowadays, having experience is considered vital to a successful relationsh­ip. Physical items that were appreciate­d for their longevity are now only valued if they're new. We like things to come freshly packaged. With Saturn, your ruler, now retrograde, you'll find yourself revisiting old ideas about what matters and what's desirable, and developing the energy to succeed in something brave and new.

IN YOUR LOVE LIFE: Think only the finest thoughts about someone; that will pay dividends… free audio and

video forecasts:


January 21-February 19

C an you imagine how people responded when Tim Berners-Lee first talked about the internet? Even technicall­y minded folk were flummoxed by the concept. But he continued undaunted, and his perseveran­ce literally had worldchang­ing consequenc­es. Following Uranus' link with Venus, your innovative spark shines even brighter than usual. Something that seemed inconceiva­ble is about to prove perfectly possible. If you look for a new way to cope with a problem, you'll begin to create a wonderful new reality.

IN YOUR LOVE LIFE: Empathy means listening, caring and supporting, not just proving points… free audio and

video forecasts:

PISCES February 20-March 20

I f little things count for so much, why do we try to achieve big things that will make people sit up and take notice? Why do we secretly desire dramatic, decisive developmen­ts that leave no room for dispute? Human beings like to paint clear markings with broad brushes. So, this week, when you find yourself holding the equivalent of a fine pen, how are you going to make your mark and get your message across? As Venus and Uranus link, use it to write something meaningful on a well-positioned wall. You can make a difference.

IN YOUR LOVE LIFE: Don't raise your defences; lower your guard, trust, and all will be well… free audio and video


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