Deccan Chronicle

Deccan Chronicle SYMPTOMS


● A painful red rash with fluid-filled blisters in and around one ear

● Facial weakness or paralysis on the side of the affected ear

● Ear pain

● Hearing loss

● Ringing in the ears

● Difficulty closing one eye

● A sensation of spinning

● A change in taste

● Dry mouth and eyes


Anyone who has had chickenpox can develop Ramsay Hunt Syndrome. It is more common in older people and uncommon in children. It is not contagious. For people with compromise­d immune systems, the infection can be deadly.


Dr Anish lists a few complicati­ons:

● Permanent hearing loss as well as facial weakness. In most cases facial paralysis are temporary

● The facial weakness caused by Ramsay Hunt Syndrome may make it difficult to close the eye on the affected side, and therefore, the cornea, which protects your eye, can be damaged, leading to eye pain and blurred vision.

● Postherpet­ic neuralgia, a painful condition that affects nerves and skin, could develop as a result of shingles infection. The messages passed to the brain by these nerves may become exaggerate­d, resulting in pain that may last long after the other symptoms of the Syndrome have faded.


Children are now routinely immunised against chickenpox, greatly reducing the risk of infection with the chickenpox virus. A shingles vaccine is also recommende­d for people over the age of 50.


It is diagnosed using blood tests for the varicella-zoster virus, an MRI of the head, and some skin tests. A spinal tap, which involves pricking the spinal canal with a needle to collect cerebrospi­nal fluid for testing, may also be performed.


Steroids (such as Prednisone) may be administer­ed. Antiviral medication­s such as Acyclovir and Valacyclov­ir may be prescribed. If the pain persists despite the use of steroids, strong painkiller­s

may be required. Wearing an eye patch to protect the cornea from injury (corneal abrasion) and other eye damage helps.

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