Deccan Chronicle

Modi asks leaders to inform people about Cong.’s agenda

Says Oppn wants to snatch ‘reservatio­n’ from SC, ST, OBC communitie­s


New Delhi, April 30: Prime Minister Narendra Modi has asked the Bjpled NDA candidates in the Lok Sabha polls to spread awareness among voters about the Congress’s intention to snatch “reservatio­n from SC, ST and OBC communitie­s and give it away to their vote bank”.

In a personal letter written to them, Modi accused the Congress and its allies of having divisive and discrimina­tory motives, even though reservatio­n on basis of religion is unconstitu­tional.

“They are also bent upon taking away the hard-earned wealth of the people and giving it to their vote bank. The Congress has also made it clear that they will bring in dangerous ideas like inheritanc­e tax. The nation must unite to stop them,” he said. In the letters sent to every candidate, the prime minister stressed that this is not an ordinary election.

In his letter to Union home minister Amit Shah, Modi hailed him as one of the most valuable party worker besides being a successful minister at the Centre and earlier in Gujarat. Modi noted that Shah began his public life by supporting those campaignin­g against the Emergency when he was 13 and recalled their associatio­n since the 1980s.

As the BJP president, Shah realised their dream of making it world’s largest party, Modi said, praising his role as a minister in the abrogation of Article 370 and the passage of three criminal laws, which replaced British era statutes, in Parliament among other issues. In the letters to the candidates, he said, “Families across India, especially the senior members, would remember the difficulti­es they have gone through in the last five-six decades. In the last 10 years, the quality of life of every section of society has improved, with many of these troubles removed. Yet, a lot more is still to be done and this election will be decisive in our mission to ensure a better life for everyone”. Every vote that BJP gets will impart momentum in India’s journey to become a developed nation by 2047, Modi said, adding the “encouragin­g trends” of the first two phases show that people of India have made up their minds to support this vision and are leading the way in this election.

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