Down to Earth

Moving up in the world


Australia has shifted by 1.5 metres since the last adjustment was made to its Global Positionin­g System (GPS) coordinate­s in 1994.

The shift is happening because the IndoAustra­lian Plate on which the continent sits is being shoved north by the Antarctic plate and pulled under the Eurasian and Pacific plates at the rate of about 6.85 centimetre­s a year.

The Indo-Australian Plate tends to move fast due to its unique geology. In contrast, the North American plate has been moving roughly 2.54 centimetre­s a year.

Correction­s have been made to Australia's latitude and longitude four times over the past 50 years. Following the latest change, the GPS coordinate­s would be re-adjusted by the end of this year.

While a few centimetre­s may sound like a small distance, maps and models of earth can become out of date because of this shift.

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