Down to Earth

Bacteria in equipments


EARTH'S MOON is different from other moons. It is bigger and the compositio­n is the same as that of the planet. So far, it was believed that the reason for this was that both the earth and the moon were formed together during the kJUHDW LPSDFWy %XW WKLV WKHRU\ GLG QRW H[SODLQ PDQ\ WKLQJV about the moon, such as the fact that if the moon condensed from a disk of material rotating around earth's equator, it should be in orbit over the equator. Instead, the satellite's orbit is tilted five degrees off the equator.

$ QHZ PRGHO H[SODLQV WKDW D KLJK HQHUJ\ FROOLVLRQ OHIW a mass of vaporised and molten material, from which the HDUWK DQG WKH PRRQ IRUPHG %RWK WKH HDUWK DQG WKH PRRQ condensed from the same material, and therefore, have a VLPLODU FRPSRVLWLR­Q 7KH WKHRU\ VXJJHVWV WKDW WKH DQJXODU momentum was dissipated. In the course of time, the moon FRQWLQXHG WR PRYH DZD\ IURP WKH HDUWK DQG WKHQ UHDFKHG a second transition point, where the inclinatio­n of the moon dropped to about five degrees, putting it more or less in its current orbit.

Nature, October 31

that assist patients with heart, liver and other organ disease have one impediment—bacteria that form infectious biofilms on those devices not only sabotage their success, but also contribute to the rampant increase in antibiotic resistance. Now researcher­s have created self-healing slippery surface coatings with medical-grade teflon materials and liquids that prevent biofilm formation on medical devices, while preserving normal innate immune responses against pathogenic bacteria.

Biomateria­ls, January 2017


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