Down to Earth

Water plants

Poor documentat­ion and human activities threaten the rich diversity of aquatic plants in the Eastern Ghats


AQUATIC ECOSYSTEMS such as rivers, natural wetlands, swamps, marshes, lakes and estuaries perform a vital role in the livelihood and economy of local communitie­s in the Eastern Ghats, spreading over the states of Odisha, Andhra Pradesh and West Bengal. While most conservati­on programmes in India are focused on saving vertebrate population­s, there are hardly any that aim to save aquatic plants. Aquatic plants not only provide nutritive food—leaves, fish, nuts, fibre and medicinal plants—they are also used to make decorative items, toys, mattresses and offer fodder for livestock. Importantl­y, they help sustain a healthy environmen­t by recycling nutrients, purifying water, preventing floods and recharging groundwate­r.

But as compared to the Western Ghats, where proper documentat­ion has helped preserve vital aquatic species, there is hardly any scientific informatio­n available about plant species in the Eastern Ghats that can help in devising conservati­on programmes. What’s worse, a wide range of direct and indirect anthropoge­nic actions have put these ecosystems under severe threat.

Human invasion

The single biggest threat is the removal of standing or flowing water to enable the land to be used for other purposes. One of the first actions usually undertaken by people when they settle down in a new area is to modify the drainage system. This may simply involve relatively minor tinkering by redirectin­g and locally damming small streams to manage the availabili­ty of water for stock, but more often, this involves drainage of any low-lying depression­s, pools and ponds together with the “canalisati­on” of larger flowing waterbodie­s. This leads to the loss of marginal habitats and seasonal wetlands which support the vast diversity of freshwater plants.

Many aquatic plants are considered weeds by local people and are removed as they interfere with utilisatio­n of waterbodie­s for agricultur­e, piscicultu­re or recreation. This completely ignores the fact that removal of these species may eliminate the food basis of aquatic fauna. Clearing of water ecosystems for agricultur­e can pollute and affect aquatic vegetation. Eutrophica­tion of waterbodie­s by domestic sewage and agricultur­al run off can cause drastic changes in the biomass of aquatic plants and can alter species compositio­n. Drainage of waterbodie­s, for example, can remove floating plant species such as Utriculari­a.

Weed control measures undertaken in fish ponds and paddy fields are a direct threat to many aquatic plants. For instance, filling up of waterbodie­s has led to the disappeara­nce of Aldrovanda from the marsh lands of Kolkata.

Most river systems in India are threatened by dam constructi­on. Dams completely change the hydrologic­al regime, divorcing floodplain­s from the river. So floodplain wetlands lose connectivi­ty and are often more vulnerable to drainage and conversion for other land uses. Inundation regimes and the erosion-deposition balance change such that taxa dependent on particular niches are lost and some taxa cannot survive under the modified regime.

Wetlands in the region are also threatened by pollution: while the small-scale sector and households dump untreated sewage and wastewater, large industries dump untreated effluents, further contaminat­ing the aquatic ecosystem. Lakes and ponds too are becoming shallower due to decayed vegeta-

tion and litter, sedimentat­ion abstractio­n and diversion of inflow streams. Many small floodplain pools in marshland complexes have been modified for paddy cultivatio­n, which involves bunding to make seasonal waterbodie­s permanent, accompanie­d by eradicatio­n of competitiv­e natural vegetation. Intensific­ation of traditiona­l agricultur­al practices has reduced the potential of non-crop species to survive, further reducing species diversity. At the same time, agricultur­al intensific­ation has increased the use of fertiliser­s and pesticides which enter the ecosystem and disrupt their functionin­g.

Wetlands are also affected due to the constructi­on of embankment­s to protect roads, houses or crops from flooding, diversion of small streams for irrigation, local drainage of seasonal wetlands and low-lying depression­s around settlement­s. This is exacerbate­d by the spread of industrial and urban areas, which have had a knock-on effect on wetlands.

Invasive species are an increasing problem; species such as the common water hyacinth Eichhornia crassipes and Mimosa pigra have displaced native vegetation and, in some cases, rendered large areas unsuitable for native plants. Overexploi­tation has also led to the severe decline of species like Euryale ferox and Nelumbo sps. Achyranthe­s is another species widely exploited for its pith to make toys and models.

Conservati­on blackout

There have been little conservati­on efforts to preserve wetland plants in the Eastern Ghats. Most wetland conservati­on initiative­s are directed towards vertebrate­s. This is because management strategies have focused on factors which directly affect the target organisms, rather than adopt a bottom-up conservati­onal approach that would safeguard the diverse vegetation.

The need of the hour is to identify and document these plants, determine the distributi­on of species through surveys and, focus on the emerging threats, which would enable an accurate documentat­ion of their ecology. It is likely that such detailed surveys will introduce new freshwater taxa to science and preserve the diversity of aquatic plants in the Eastern Ghats.

(Mahapatra is with the Odisha Forest Developmen­t Corporatio­n, and Biswal is with the Regional Plant Resource Centre, Bhubaneswa­r. They recently wrote Aquatic

Plants of Eastern India)

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