Down to Earth

India shines in renewable market


overtaken the US to become the second-most attractive country after China for renewable energy investment, according to a report by UK accountanc­y firm Ernst and Young (EY). In an annual ranking of the top 40 renewable energy markets worldwide in terms of allure, China was ranked at the top, followed by India. Last year, India was ranked third on EY's renewable energy country attractive­ness LQGH[ EHKLQG WKH 86 DQG &KLQD k,QGLD continued its upward trend on the index to second position with the government's programme to build 175 gigawatts (GW) in renewable energy generation by 2022 and have renewable energy account for 40 per cent of installed capacity by

y (< VDLG LQ D VWDWHPHQW ,W DGGHG k$ combinatio­n of strong government support and increasing­ly attractive economics has KHOSHG SXVK ,QGLD LQWR WKH VHFRQG SODFH y On the other hand, the US slipped to the third spot from first in last year's ranking. k7KH IDOO WKH ILUVW IRU WKH 86 VLQFH WR third in the ranking of the top 40 countries follows a marked shift in US policy under WKH QHZ DGPLQLVWUD­WLRQ y (< VDLG.

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