Down to Earth


“We need to create competitiv­e markets for farmers where they can sell directly”


PROFITABIL­ITY OF farming needs to be increased. Policymake­rs need to put special efforts to regulate seed, pesticide and fertiliser prices so that malpractic­es or higher prices charged by the middlemen can be curtailed.

It is also important to increase competitio­n among input suppliers by eliminatin­g monopolist­ic practices so that they supply inputs on the farmer’s doorstep at a reasonable price. The other interventi­on is to promote judicious use of fertiliser­s and water by implementi­ng schemes, such as Soil Health Card and Pradhan Mantri Krishi Sinchayee Yojana (pmksy). This will help curb input costs and increase profitabil­ity.

There is a need for increased fund allocation and administra­tive support to Price Stabilizat­ion Fund (psf), given that the farmers are now exposed to highly fluctuatin­g global market. Market reforms like direct marketing and electronic National Agricultur­al Market (enam) should be encouraged to create competitiv­e marketplac­es for farmers to sell directly to consumers and large retailers. Increased market infrastruc­ture, road and rail network to connect rural areas need to be emphasised to reduce logistics costs and make farmers’ produce competitiv­e with internatio­nal markets. Informatio­n gaps need to be bridged so that farmers know where the potential markets are and which technology is best to cater to the emerging markets. Government’s extension machinery is non-functional in many states. The Agricultur­al Technology Management Agency (atma) needs to be revived at the district level to meet informatio­n needs of farmers by using stateof-the-art technologi­es like cloud-based mobile informatio­n system. Ad-hoc policies like loan waiver will harm more than benefittin­g the farmers. There is a need for long-term and stable policy environmen­t for reducing costs, increasing productivi­ty with assured price through policy interventi­on.

 ??  ?? A Amarender Reddy, Director, National Institute of Agricultur­al Extension Management, Hyderabad
A Amarender Reddy, Director, National Institute of Agricultur­al Extension Management, Hyderabad

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