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Russia caught between the devil and deep sea

- DARIA LITVINOVA Associated Press

Russia’s boast in August that it was the first country to authorize a coronaviru­s vaccine led to skepticism at the time because of its insufficie­nt testing. Six months later, as demand for the Sputnik V vaccine grows, experts are raising questions again — this time, over whether Moscow can keep up with all the orders from the countries that want it.

Slovakia got 200,000 doses on March 1, even though the European Medicines Agency, the European Union’s pharmaceut­ical regulator, only began reviewing its use on Thursday in an expedited process. The president of the hard-hit Czech Republic said he wrote directly to Russian President Vladimir Putin to get a supply. Millions of doses are expected by countries in Latin America, Africa, the former Soviet Union and the Middle East in a wave of Russian vaccine diplomacy.

“Sputnik V continues to confidentl­y conquer Europe,” anchor Olga Skabeyeva declared on the Russia-1 state TV channel. Dmitry Kiselev, the network’s top pro-Kremlin anchor, heaped on the hyperbole last month, blustering: “The Russian coronaviru­s vaccine, Sputnik V, is the best in the world.” State TV channels have covered vaccine exports extensivel­y, citing praise from abroad for Russia and running segments about the difficulti­es countries are having with Western vaccines. The early criticism of Sputnik V has been blunted by a report in the prestigiou­s British medical journal The Lancet that said large-scale testing showed it to be safe, with an efficacy rate of 91% against the virus. That could help revamp Russia’s image to one of a scientific, technologi­cal and benevolent power, especially as other countries encounter shortages of COVID-19 vaccines because richer nations are scooping up the Western-made versions or manufactur­ers struggle with limited production capacity.

“The fact that Russia is among five countries that were able to quickly develop a vaccine … allows Moscow to present itself as a high-tech power of knowledge rather than a petrol pump in decline,” said foreign affairs analyst Vladimir Frolov. Some experts say boosting the use of vaccines from China and Russia — which have not been as popular as those from the West — could offer a quicker way to increase the global supply. Others note that Russia wants to score geopolitic­al points. “Putin is using (the vaccine) to bolster a very tarnished image of Russia’s scientific and technologi­cal prowess,” said Lawrence Gostin, a Georgetown University professor and director of the World Health Organizati­on Collaborat­ing Center on National and Global Health Law. “He’s using it for geostrateg­ic purposes in areas where Russia would like to have spheres of influence.”

Whether Russia can deliver is another question. China has supplied millions of doses to other countries, but the output of Sputnik V appears for now to be far lower than the demand. “They succeeded beyond their wildest dreams in terms of this vaccine actually being a viable, marketable product,” said Judy Twigg, a political science professor specializi­ng in global health at Virginia Commonweal­th University. “They’ve made all of these explicit and implicit promises to people inside and outside Russia about access to this product that now is unexpected­ly great. And now they’re stuck trying, scrambling, trying to figure out how to deliver on all those promises.”

Russia also must take care of its own. Authoritie­s have announced plans to vaccinate 60% of adults, or roughly 68 million people, by the end of June. The domestic rollout in Russia has been slow, compared with other nations, with about 4 million people, or less than 3% of the population, vaccinated as of late February. Some of that could also be due to widespread reluctance among Russians to trust vaccines.

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