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Summers can be hard for not just humans but pets also. Praveen M, the founder of Oscar Daisy a subscripti­on-based pet nutrition brand, says that it is important to keep pets hydrated and well-groomed during summer. “Pet parents should give a balanced meal for their pets during the summer season. This will ease digestion. A healthy diet is determined by the nutrition requiremen­ts of a pet and also depends on their age, weight, activity levels among other factors like breed, body score, etc,” says Praveen. He shares diet tips to follow for pets during summer.

Keep pets hydrated

Make sure your pets have an adequate amount of water every day. It’s crucial to keep them hydrated and it helps them beat the heat. Water has a cooling effect on a pet’s body and it will regulate his/her body temperatur­e. Also, drinking water gives them enough energy to be active throughout the day.

Yogurt is good for gut health

Yogurts are natural probiotics and are recommende­d for a pet’s gut health. Unless your pets are lactose intolerant, you can give them diluted yogurt and buttermilk. You can either mix yogurt with the afternoon meal or can give it separately at any time of the day. Also, yogurt contains calcium and protein which is again good for pets.

Make fruits part of the diet

Give your furry friends fruits that are rich in water content like watermelon, muskmelon, papaya and pomegranat­e. If you haven’t given any of these fruits earlier, give them in small portions. If they are fine consuming it without any problem, give fruits daily. Make fruits a crucial part of your pet’s diet. But don’t give fruits as a one-time meal, make a mixed fruit salad and give it.

Treat pets with ice cream

You can treat your pets with

“Pet parents should give a balanced meal for their pets during summer. This will ease digestion. A healthy meal is determined by the nutrition requiremen­ts of a pet and also depends on their age, weight, activity levels among other factors like breed, body score, etc,” says Praveen M, founder of a subscripti­on-based pet nutrition brand

a scoop of vanilla ice cream once or twice a week. Either give homemade ice cream or buy it from people who make pet-friendly ice cream. The only recommende­d flavour is vanilla.

Avoid sharing your food

This is the most common mistake most pet parents make. To show the pets how much one loves them, some pet parents give food from their plates. It is okay to share one or two treats that are suitable for pets. But not the same food that we are eating.

Stay indoors

Don’t take pets for walking when it is sunny. Either take them for walking early in the morning or after sunset. And once the dog is back from walking, given him/her a good massage; this will help in blood circulatio­n. Extreme heat is a real threat to pets. So, make sure that your pet is properly groomed at least once a week.

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Praveen M

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