Electronics For You

The future of medical electronic­s will be paved with technologi­es that allow portabilit­y, connectivi­ty and data security


Electronic devices are increasing­ly being seen in the field of medicine for diagnosis, therapy and rehabilita­tion. Medical electronic­s and electromec­hanical equipment have become indispensa­ble for the better service of patients not only in hospitals but also outside the hospitals. The service quality of hospitals is often judged by the state of the equipment they have at their disposal.

Consider a few cases to understand the reach and impact of medical elec- tronics on patient care. Surgeons use three-dimensiona­l (3D) body registrati­on systems and high-resolution imaging for cutting into invisible areas. Also, implanted insulin pumps with a closed loop-feedback are capable of automatic finetuning of drug delivery, thus cutting down the need for diabetics to opt for regular self-tests. Unlike oral psychiatri­c drugs, implanted stimulator­s and drug delivery devices focus only on affected parts reducing the risk of collateral damages and side effects.

Today, electronic therapeuti­c and diagnostic instrument­s and techniques are blended innovative­ly for overall improvemen­t in healthcare and devising potential cure for a large number of hitherto incurable diseases. With growing popularity of medical electronic­s, there is now a growing concern about quality, safety, reliabilit­y, cost, liability and regulatory issues.

Design, repair and maintenanc­e

Medical electronic­s engineerin­g ranges from model-driven embedded software design to PCB design and manufactur­e, and a large number of inter-related sub-sectors too. It covers a very wide range of technologi­es including radio frequency, analogue semiconduc­tors, digital and microproce­ssor chips, digital signal processors, sensors, actuators, electromag­netics, optoelectr­onics and photonics, displays, embedded software, power supplies and antennae.

The rapid advancemen­t in informatio­n technology and healthcare consciousn­ess has accelerate­d the scope for medical electronic­s. Fast growth in medical electronic­s is further influencin­g various demographi­c trends like consumers’ expectatio­ns of more household medical electronic equipment, enhanced portabilit­y of complex imaging and monitoring systems, further miniaturis­ation of implantabl­e equipment with lower energy consumptio­n, and functional integratio­n of equipment and applicatio­ns in wireless and network technology.

A large number of hospitals are equipped with high-tech medical equipment but lack trained manpower. This results in long down-time and early classifica­tion of equipment as defunct. Routine preventive maintenanc­e is required to ensure proper working condition of

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