Electronics For You

‘spot An Error’ Award Winners


Under the Q&A section of EFY August issue, the answer to the question “What are PLDs and PLAs?” explains PLDs, PALs, CPLDs and FPGAs but not PLAs.

Praveen K., Kalpakkam, Tamil Nadu In “Which Developmen­t Board to Use for Your Embedded Project” article published in August issue of EFY, on page 80, the text on Microchip’s UNO32 ERDUG VDyV LW KDV 512NB )ODVK DQG 128NB 5A0 (ZKLFK DUH DFWXDOOy VSHFLfiFDt­ions of MAX32) while the comparison table, on page 82, shows it has 16kB RAM and 128kB storage.

Shweta Dhadiwal , Through e-mail In ‘Touch-Free Timer Switch’ circuit of EFY August issue, on page no. 121, the pin diagrams of TSOP1738, IR LED and BC547 are given. Here IR LED is not shown correctly. Its leads are interchang­ed and also ‘A’ and ‘K’ labels are marked wrongly.

Deepesh Verma, Through e-mail In the article “RFID Technology: A Complete Overview,” in Fig. 1 on page QR. 100 LW’V ZULWWHQ WKDW “7KH HOHFWULF fiHOG RI SURSDJDWLQ­J VLJQDO JLYHV ULVH WR potential difference across the tag’s dipole antenna, wHICH CAusEs CurrENt tO flOw into the capacitor. The resulting charge is trapped there by the diode.” Here the statePHQW LQ LWDOLFV LV ZURQJ. 7KH FRUUHFW RQH LV “ZKLFK FDXVHV FXUUHQW WR flRZ LQWR the diode. The resulting charge is trapped there by the capacitor.”

Siddharth, Through e-mail QHWLF fiHOGV.

Some of the main advantages of this wired intercom are the privacy and the security; these two features are unavailabl­e in the low-cost wireless applicatio­ns.

Wireless devices are subject to a lot of local regulation­s and you should study them carefully before undertakin­g any practical experiment. There are a lot of low-power wireless modules available, which you can check out in the local electronic­s stores. They will be able to give you some informatio­n and maybe applicatio­n circuits.

The modules available in Europe may not be available or not authorised in India, or the price can be prohibitiv­e.


I am a regular reader of EFY Plus. There are only electronic­s design and simulation software included in the accompanyi­ng DVD. I request you to include telecommun­ication related software tools in the DVD or at least enlist the software pertaining to telecommun­ication. Kazi Yaser Arafat

Osmanabad EFY: Thank you for your feedback. :H ZLOO GHfiQLWHOy WUy WR LQFOXGH WKHVH software in coming issues.

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