
Power play


The proposals in the Electricit­y (Amendment) Bill to “reform” the power sector, issued in the midst of a pandemic, threaten to result in higher energy costs, violate long-cherished principles of federalism, and leave India’s most vulnerable to the caprices of the market.

THE power sector was one of the first sectors to fall under the onslaught of the economic liberalisa­tion programme initiated in 1991. Beginning rather inauspicio­usly with the Enron scandal in the early 1990s, the sector has seen many changes since then. After a prolonged lull, higher private investment­s in power generation have been made and, more recently, a sharp increase in renewable energy generation. However, in many other respects, the “reforms” that were introduced towards the end of the 20th century, and consolidat­ed in the Electricit­y Act 2003, have not only failed to provide succour to the sector that has been mired in a perpetual state of crisis, but have considerab­ly worsened that crisis.

The Draft Electricit­y (Amendment) Bill, (EAB), 2020, ostensibly seeks to address the failure of the reform attempts of the past by reemphasis­ing the original plan laid out in the Electricit­y Act, 2003, by the first National Democratic Alliance (NDA) government. It seeks to redress what are seen as “populist dilutions” of the spirit of the reforms by the first United Progressiv­e Alliance (UPA) government as well as many State government­s.

The timing of the release of the EAB is itself striking. Curiously, it was notified by the Ministry of Power on April 17, seeking comments, when the country was in the midst of a debilitati­ng lockdown.

There are three major policies that the EAB seeks to push: i) Privatisin­g the electricit­y distributi­on companies (DISCOMS) through the introducti­on of distributi­on sub-licencees and franchisee­s; ii) Eliminatin­g cross-subsidies and introducin­g Direct Benefit Transfer (DBT) to support consumers that State government­s may want to directly subsidise iii) Increasing the control of the Central government in the sector by a series of amendments aimed at administra­tive and regulatory restructur­ing of State-level institutio­ns.

A major objective of the power sector reforms, which remains unachieved despite repeated attempts over the last 30 years, is the privatisat­ion of the distributi­on segment of the power system. The erstwhile electricit­y boards were unbundled into generation, transmissi­on, and distributi­on companies to facilitate privatisat­ion. In many States, the distributi­on companies (DISCOMS), which deal with the low voltage (that is, less than 11 kilovolt) infrastruc­ture and metering and billing of end users, were further divided into multiple companies in charge of smaller areas within a State. However, other than in Odisha, Delhi and Mumbai, no other distributi­on utility could be privatised. Fierce opposition by peasants, power sector workers and even ordinary domestic consumers forced many State government­s to hastily scuttle any plans they might have had to privatise this politicall­y important segment of the power sector.

Amongst the ones that did privatise distributi­on utilities, only Odisha had a large section of rural consumers, and, after multiple failed attempts at private management, electricit­y distributi­on has now reverted to the State government. Mumbai and Delhi also have a long history of problems with tariff-setting and power-procuremen­t practices despite being urban agglomerat­ions without the potentiall­y sensitive agrarian reaction to

contend with. Moreover, the financial health of DISCOMS that remained state-owned entities has suffered because of the spatial breakdown that was forced on them.

Private companies in general are not interested in supplying electricit­y to the entire area serviced by a DISCOM, which generally includes rural consumers as well. So state-run utilities are encouraged to also subcontrac­t out a section of the network to private companies or other agencies, ostensibly to improve efficiency and reduce losses. These agencies, called distributi­on franchisee­s, have been tried out in various regions of the country after the Electricit­y Act 2003.

Predictabl­y, in the first set of experiment­s with distributi­on franchisee­s, private companies were interested in urban agglomerat­ions only. Despite such cherry-picking, the model did not work. While billing and collection efficiency improved in some regions, most franchisee­s could barely break even and many opted to not extend the contract beyond the first period of franchise. Although these entities could hope for marginal gains from improved billing efficienci­es, reducing line losses required capital expenditur­e, which made the whole idea unattracti­ve for most private companies.

The push for distributi­on franchisee­s once again in the EAB, despite this experience, is therefore not based on evidence but on an ideologica­l position that prefers privatisat­ion over public service provision. The EAB also introduces a “distributi­on sub-licencee”, somewhat ambiguousl­y differenti­ated from a distributi­on franchisee as mentioned in the Bill. Neither entity would require a separate licence to distribute electricit­y and the outcome of both are likely to be similar. There will be cherry-picking; the more attractive urban regions will be privatised, leaving the loss-making rural segments to the state-owned DISCOMS. This may even lead to a further deteriorat­ion of the conditions of power supply to rural areas.

The single-minded focus

on privatisin­g DISCOMS despite widespread protests from power sector unions, peasant organisati­ons and consumer societies has been justified by citing the sorry state of DISCOM finances and the ever-increasing cost of power supply. However, what is forgotten in the harangue of the “inefficien­t” and “corrupt” DISCOMS is that power procuremen­t costs, that is, costs to be paid to electricit­y generators, constitute more than 80 per cent of the total cost of electricit­y supply. Transmissi­on and distributi­on charges account for less than 20 per cent of the all costs.


One may argue that since DISCOMS decide how much power to procure and from where, they should be held responsibl­e for buying expensive power. But this assumption is faulty because it ignores the fact that DISCOMS have no choice in the matter.

There are structural reasons for high procuremen­t costs, beginning with the power sector reforms themselves, and going on to the poor policy choices made in the corridors of power in Delhi in the past. In the last several years, there has been a consistent mismatch between the projected and actual demand for power. The Central Electricit­y Authority (CEA), an agency under the control of the Central government, has made grossly inaccurate projection­s. Shockingly, its forecast of demand for 2019-20 was 40 per cent higher (almost 70 GW) than the actual demand. These exaggerate­d forecasts have had serious consequenc­es. Many currently operationa­l long-term power purchase agreements (PPAS) between generating companies (NTPC being the primary beneficiar­y) and DISCOMS are based on these dubious forecasts.

The woes of DISCOMS do not end here. Generating companies that have a PPA with a DISCOM are allowed to recover “capacity charges”, that is, the capital expenditur­e incurred to build the power plant, from the DISCOM, irrespecti­ve of the actual amount of electricit­y being drawn. In a period of low power demand, DISCOMS sell less power to end users and therefore buy less power from generation companies. This leads to low variable costs, that is, cost of generating the required units of power. However, the DISCOMS must still pay a fixed charge so that the generator can pay back the banks which financed the project. For example, NTPC recovered Rs.4,800 crore in capacity charges in 2018-19 from DISCOMS in southern India for its new thermal power plant in Kudgi even though the plant operated at only 22 per cent of its capacity during the year. Such practices impose costs on DISCOMS that arise from circumstan­ces entirely outside their control. How can they then be dubbed inefficien­t?

On the other hand, newly constructe­d power plants that do not have agreements with DISCOMS are fast turning into non-performing assets (NPAS) for the banks that financed them. The economic downturn, which is highlighte­d by poor offtake of power from these plants, has thus hit banks as well, mostly publicly owned ones.

Additional­ly, the increasing contributi­on of renewable energy, fostered by fiscal and other incentives, has contribute­d to the woes of DISCOMS. Solar and wind energy sources are exempt from merit order dispatch; energy offtake from these plants is not dictated by their price. All the electricit­y generated by renewable energy plants must be absorbed by DISCOMS, irrespecti­ve of cost. Although the recent reduction in the price of solar energy has come as a relief, one must remember that the DISCOMS must compulsori­ly buy not just the new, relatively cheaper, solar energy, but also energy generated by older, more expensive plants.

In Tamil Nadu for example, 1061 Mega Watt (MW) of solar energy was installed before March 2016. Electricit­y from these plants is bought by distributi­on utilities at Rs.7 per kilowattho­ur (kwh). In sharp contrast, the solar plants installed after March 2019, with a capacity of about 800 MW, cost just Rs.3.05 per kwh. The policy-induced inefficien­cy means that the state has to forego cheaper

thermal power even when it is available in order to purchase all of the expensive solar power from older plants.

It must be noted that DISCOMS have not been given relief from this policy even during the nationwide lockdown, just as they received no support to cover their revenue losses. The Centre has offered loans (Rs.90,000 crore liquidity infusion for the power sector), backed by state guarantees, for the express purpose of paying dues to generators. These loans, which are to be given by the Power Finance Corporatio­n (PFC) and the Rural Electrific­ation Corporatio­n (REC), have been made conditiona­l on so many pre-requisites, in addition to requiring state guarantees, that the PFC, not surprising­ly, has said that this Rs.90,000 crore “relief” is likely to be under-utilised by DISCOMS.

To sum up, power procuremen­t costs are high not because of the DISCOMS’ inefficien­cy but because of consequenc­es that arise from a series of policies forced on them. The DISCOMS can be held accountabl­e for basing their power procuremen­t plans on over-optimistic demand forecasts made by the CEA. But should not those making such forecasts be held accountabl­e when their forecasts go awry?

These high costs are passed on to end users, and here DISCOMS are held responsibl­e for inefficien­t metering and billing, high technical losses, and their inability to recover the cost of electricit­y that is supplied. High AT&C (Aggregate and Technical and Commercial) losses have been a perennial problem in India. Despite multiple interventi­ons, including the much-welcomed UDAY scheme (Ujjwal DISCOM Assurance Yojana), they remain unaddresse­d.


There are multiple issues here. The cost of supplying electricit­y to lowdensity rural areas is high. The multiple step-down transforme­rs and long low-tension lines required to supply electricit­y for agricultur­al, domestic and other uses in rural areas necessaril­y result in higher costs. Technical losses in these distributi­on lines are also high (as resistive losses are inversely proportion­al to line voltage). On the contrary, supplying electricit­y to high voltage consumers is cheaper, and densely populated cities with more diversifie­d power consumptio­n patterns can be supplied power at a lower cost.

Moreover, a large section of rural consumers as well as poor households in urban areas are unable to pay the full cost of electricit­y. So the conundrum for DISCOMS is this: they have to supply electricit­y to consumers who are expensive to serve but who also cannot afford to pay the full cost of electricit­y. This makes subsidies necessary. There are two ways of subsidisin­g the cost of supply to consumers: i) cross subsidisat­ion, which means that one category of consumers pays a higher than average tariff to compensate for another category paying lower tariff, and ii) direct subsidies by the State government to compensate the DISCOM for power supply to those consumers it deems worthy of support.

The new amendment seeks to eliminate subsidies in both forms. It has proposed that the State Electricit­y Regulatory Commission­s should decide category-wise tariffs, strictly based on cost to supply power to that category, without considerin­g any subsidies. While the EAB refers differenti­ally to direct and cross subsidy rather ambiguousl­y, the overall idea appears to be to eliminate cross subsidies and replace them with direct subsidies to specifical­ly targeted consumers.

Additional­ly, direct subsidies must now be transferre­d by State government­s directly to consumers using the Direct Benefit Transfer (DBT) scheme.

Poor consumers—residentia­l, agricultur­al, and providers of basic amenities such as public health centres and government schools— form a significan­t proportion of electricit­y users in most States and cannot afford to pay high costs for electricit­y.

Most of them currently consume

electricit­y at rates that are cross-subsidised. A report on the performanc­e of state power utilities published by the PFC has estimated that if all this cross subsidy were to be replaced by direct subsidies, the subsidy burden on the States would increase by about 130 per cent.

Given the parlous state of States’ finances, expecting them to bear this additional burden is to expect the impossible. States, already reeling under the impact of the dramatic collapse of their revenues, especially under the Goods and Services Tax (GST) regime, are clearly in no position to provide the additional support to DISCOMS.

The resort to the DBT, touted as the panacea for all subsidy-related ills, is likely to exacerbate problems. The poorest consumers of electricit­y are likely to be affected the most. Administer­ing DBT is difficult, especially with poor informatio­n and huge data gaps that inevitably lead to late and ineffectiv­e disbursal of benefits, if at all.

The All India Kisan Sabha has drawn attention to the fact that DBT will be meaningles­s for a majority of “real cultivator­s”—the landless, the tenants and sharecropp­ers—because only landowners and pump-set owners would be eligible for the subsidies. This would also apply to working-class households that live on rented premises.

DBT also adds an unnecessar­y administra­tive burden. For instance, DBT will require the government to build a database of details of beneficiar­ies. Currently, subsidy benefits for many consumer categories vary on the basis of actual consumptio­n. The government will thus have to update its database regularly (every month, in fact), aligning it with informatio­n from the DISCOMS. If at all benefits to certain consumers must be re-examined, say because of improved economic status, it is much easier to do so within the existing framework, that is, by transferri­ng subsidies directly to the utilities. Timely disbursal of dues by State government­s has been a major problem in the past. The distressin­g fiscal situation is likely to only make matters worse. It is reasonable to assume that under the new administra­tive regime, transfer of benefits will either not happen in time or not happen at all. In effect, those who need support most are likely to be left in the lurch.


The power sector remains one of the few sectors that still contribute to State finances. Responsibl­e for an important input for industrial developmen­t, the sector has a significan­t role in shaping state policy. Neverthele­ss, the geographic distributi­on of primary energy sources, both convention­al and renewable, makes it incumbent on the Centre to play the critical role of coordinato­r in order to ensure equitable access to national resources. This is the reason why the sector is appropriat­ely in the concurrent list of the Constituti­on. However, there is little doubt that the proposed amendments will disproport­ionately increase the Centre’s control over the sector in violation of constituti­onal safeguards.

A common central committee is to be set up for the appointmen­t of the chairman and members of State Electricit­y Regulatory Commission­s (SERC), the Central Electricit­y Regulatory Commission, the Appellate Tribunal for Electricit­y, and the new proposed Contract Enforcemen­t Authority. The compositio­n of the committee will be such that the Centre will have a stronger voice simply by dint of bureaucrat­ic seniority. This flies in the face of all establishe­d norms of impartial selection processes, especially for membership in institutio­ns that are expected to perform quasi-judicial functions.

A slew of other amendments have been proposed that will give Central and regional institutio­ns, such as Regional Load Dispatch Centres, far more powers over DISCOMS. The most aggressive step in the ongoing attempt to wrest control from States is the proposed creation of a new Electricit­y Contract Enforcemen­t Authority (ECEA). This centrally appointed authority will be in charge of ensuring the “sanctity” of contracts, even if iniquitous, a task that was heretofore assigned to the SERC. This is likely to benefit private generating companies, renewable or otherwise, while further reducing any impartial recourse to regulatory authoritie­s that the DISCOMS may have had.

The Narendra Modi government has been trying to push these amendments in the power sector since 2014. However, it has faced opposition from State government­s and labour unions. It is particular­ly disingenuo­us to try to bulldoze these changes during a national health emergency that has been compounded by a severe recession. It is ironic that the set of proposals, instead of offering relief in these dark times, is likely to only offer more misery.

The abiding lesson of the last 30 years of reforms in the power sector is that the fetish of allowing the free and unhindered play of markets as a solution to problems can only have disastrous social and economic consequenc­es. Electricit­y is unlike other commoditie­s. It is a key economic input across the economy; but even more importantl­y, its consumptio­n is critical for human well-being. Ironically, the reforms, undertaken in the name of shedding inefficien­cies—measured by the logic of the market in terms of prices—will have one certain consequenc­e: a steep increase in electricit­y prices. How can a set of reforms, undertaken in the name of improving efficienci­es, but which results in much higher prices, be termed efficient?

The centrality of electricit­y as a critical input is the reason why State government­s feel obligated to expand access to power, by means of subsidies if necessary, in order to make it available to all for productive activity as well as for consumptio­n. The derisive dismissal of the political exigency of providing cheap electricit­y as “populism” ignores the expectatio­n of the polity that the state safeguard and promote production and consumptio­n of electricit­y across a badly divided economy and society. m Tejal Kanitkar teaches at the National Institute of Advanced Studies, Bengaluru.

 ??  ?? A WORKER installing the aerial fibre optic project, interlinke­d to the network of the two discoms in Andhra Pradesh, a file photograph.
A WORKER installing the aerial fibre optic project, interlinke­d to the network of the two discoms in Andhra Pradesh, a file photograph.
 ?? THE HINDU ARCHIVES ?? THE NTPC balancing reservoir where the proposed largest floating solar power plant is to come up in Ramagundam in Telangana.
THE HINDU ARCHIVES THE NTPC balancing reservoir where the proposed largest floating solar power plant is to come up in Ramagundam in Telangana.

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