Hindustan Times (Amritsar)


- Yashwant Raj yashwant.raj@hindustant­imes.com

President Donald Trump’s top adviser on internatio­nal economic issues, Kenneth Juster, could land up in Roosevelt House, home to the US ambassador to India, if his detractors in the White House prevailed in the high-stakes infighting currently underway between proponents and opponents of globalism.

Ambassador­ship to India is currently on the “back-burner” of the administra­tion, according to multiple sources, especially on account, in their view, of its preoccupat­ion with ongoing controvers­ies about the Russia probe.

Speculatio­n has continued, but with waning intensity in recent weeks.

Shalli Kumar, a Chicago businessma­n who was Trump’s largest Indian American donor, emerged as a frontrunne­r, but was eclipsed by talk about Ashley Tellis, a widely respected Indianborn expert, and others.

Juster, a lawyer who previously served as deputy secretary of commerce — a position roughly the equivalent of minister of state in India — is aligned with the globalists, who favour a larger US involvemen­t in the global economy, according to Politico.

Politico was told by an administra­tion official that Juster was being considered for “for an ambassador­ship, possibly the US ambassador to India”.

Juster, a lawyer from Harvard, is an old India hand, having launched the High Technology Cooperatio­n Group to promote trade in sensitive dual-use goods and technology, as deputy secretary of commerce in the George W Bush administra­tion in 2003.

Indian officials refused to comment on or off the record, but generally speaking New Delhi prefers a US ambassador with access to the White House, and Juster has that.

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