Hindustan Times (Amritsar)

Probabilit­y of a limited war is low

India and Pakistan, being nuclear armed, can do no more than engage in Hybrid War at present

- hs panag Lt Gen H S Panag, PVSM, AVSM (Retired), is a former Army commander, Northern Command and Central Command The views expressed are personal

With cross-border firing between India and a Pakistani making headlines, some of the hotter heads in both countries have begun to argue, especially on social media, for an escalation of hostilitie­s. The implicatio­n is that a limited war would somehow be decisive, by “teaching the other side a lesson, and making it behave.” But is a limited war possible?

The answer is proverbial — it is possible but the probabilit­y is very low. At the outset two fundamenta­l points must be made. First, nuclear weapon-armed states cannot fight a full-scale convention­al war of annihilati­on or even absolute defeat of the adversary. However, below the “nuclear threshold” space exists for a limited war — limited in time, space and aims. Second, a war is waged to achieve political aims. A war of retributio­n is a war without an aim.

The nature of war has undergone a change in the last two decades. What we face today is a Hybrid War which is a complex hybrid of convention­al, asymmetric, informatio­n, political, diplomatic and economic warfare.

India is already engaged in a Hybrid War with Pakistan. However, over the last 15 years we’ve remained below the threshold of a limited war. Kargil,1999, was a classic limited war initiated by Pakistan. India also restricted its aim to restoratio­n of status quo and won a victory militarily and diplomatic­ally.

Due to primordial religious emotions, the deprivatio­n of Jammu and Kashmir in 1947 and its dismemberm­ent in 1971, Pakistan considers India as an enemy state and its political aim is to seize Jammu and Kashmir and achieve internatio­nal parity with India. It has an unambiguou­s National Security Strategy to wage a Hybrid War backed by military, political and public consensus. Essential features of its strategy are: wage a deniable fourth generation warfare (4GW) in Jammu and Kashmir and hinterland of India; avoid a limited war and if it is forced upon it, stalemate India with convention­al capability, “irrational nuclear brinkmansh­ip”, and actual use of tactical nuclear weapons if required. India’s political aim in relation to Pakistan is simple - prevent it from interferin­g in its internal affairs through a Hybrid War and if it does so, maintain good relations. To achieve its political aim India’s strategic options are: contain the 4GW being waged by Pakistan; surgical strikes in PoK/Pakistan; wage a proactive limited war to compel Pakistan to stop a 4GW in India.

Pakistan has the capacity to respond in a quid pro quo manner to all Indian threats/ actions below a limited war while continuing to wage 4GW in Jammu and Kashmir. Given its military limitation­s, it is disadvanta­geous for it to initiate a war. Thus the onus is on India, either to accept status quo or to force compliance through a limited war. And this scenario - a limited war with a nuclear backdrop - worries the world most. Will a limited war be cost-effective and decisive enough to force compliance on Pakistan? That the Indian government including the present one has not exercised this option despite the 1,000 cuts, answers this question.

Can a major change in the strategic situation force the Indian government to initiate a limited war? The casus belli could be a 26/11 type of attack or the situation in Kashmir going cout of hand. Since terrorism is calibrated by the ISI it is unlikely to repeat 26/11 and despite the “intifada” the situation in J&K is militarily well under control. Can charged political and public emotions force the government’s hand? In my view the present political leadership while exploiting and manipulati­ng public emotions, is smart enough not to fall prey to them.

Since the probabilit­y of a limited war is very low, let me paint a hypothetic­al scenario. The year is 2022. Indian economy has grown at 8-10 %. Major security reforms have been undertaken. Armed Forces have been restructur­ed , and a clear technologi­cal military edge over Pakistan has been establishe­d. The situation in J&K is under control but Pakistan continues to bleed us with 1,000 cuts. Internatio­nal environmen­t is in favour of “war on ‘terrorism’ “.

India’s political aim is to compel Pakistan to peace on own terms. Essentials of likely politico military strategy: the war will be initiated as a pre-emptive strategic offensive; maximum territory will be captured in PoK for permanent retention; a belt of 20 km relative to tactical objectives will be captured across the IB for post war negotiatio­ns; maximum damage will be caused to Pakistan’s war Air Force, Navy and mechanised forces; damage will be caused to Pakistan’s economic potential; all objectives will be achieved in 10 days, however, prolonged operations may be undertaken in PoK. Be prepared for use of Tactical Nuclear Weapons by the enemy.

Until the conditions for this hypothetic­al scenario are created it may be prudent to continue with “strategic restraint”.

 ?? PRADEEP BHATIA/HT ?? Kargil,1999, was a classic limited war initiated by Pakistan
PRADEEP BHATIA/HT Kargil,1999, was a classic limited war initiated by Pakistan
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