Hindustan Times (Amritsar)

Psychiatry group allows commenting on Trump

- Kartikeya Ramanathan kartikeya.ramanathan@htlive.com

NEW DELHI: The American Psychoanal­ytic Associatio­n has allowed its members to comment on the mental state of politician­s, suspending a rule that has been in place since 1973.

The executive committee of the leading psychiatry group sent an email to its 3,500 members, stating they should not feel bound by a longstandi­ng rule against commenting publicly on the mental state of public figures. This also includes President Donald Trump, reported STAT news.

The former president of the associatio­n, Dr Prudence Gourguecho­n, said the email was prompted by “belief in the value of psychoanal­ytic knowledge in explaining human behaviour”.

“We don’ t want to prohibit our members from using their knowledge responsibl­y ... That responsibi­lity is especially great today since Trump’ s behaviour is so different from anything we’ve seen before,” she said.

The Goldwater rule of 1964 keeps experts from publicly talking about the psychiatri­c condition of public figures.

It was written after a survey of more than 1,000 psychiatri­sts claimed then Republican presidenti­al nominee Barry Goldwater was “psychologi­cally unfit to be President”.

The American Psycho analytic Associatio­n adopted the rule in 1972, reasoning that a psychiatri­st has to actually examine a patient in order to diagnose mental health disorders.

According to STAT there are no real consequenc­es for violating the Goldwater rule.

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