Hindustan Times (Amritsar)

‘Under White House orders to not answer House committee’

- Agence FrancePres­se letters@hindustant­imes.com

WASHINGTON: Former Donald Trump advisor Steve Ban non on Tuesday refused to answer questions from a congressio­nal committee probing the president’ s campaign links to Russia, saying he was under orders from the White House not to.

Ban non was quizzed voluntaril­y behind closed doors by the House of Representa­tives Intelligen­ce Committee, the first time he has testified in the probe investigat­ing whether Trump’ s campaign colluded with Russia in its bid to influence the 2016 polls.

It was unlikely to be Bannon’s last such testimony: The New York Times and the Washington Post reported on Tuesday that Ban non has been subpoenaed by Robert Mueller, the special counsel investigat­ing the same issue.

That made Bannon the first person from Trump’ s inner circle to receive a grand jury subpoena from Mueller in the probe, which is also looking at whether Trump has tried to obstruct the investigat­ion.

When appearing before the Intelligen­ce Committee, Ban non refused to answer a number of questions, citing “executive privilege” allowing Trump to keep informatio­n from the public.

“Steve Ban non and his attorney asserted a remarkably broad definition of executive privilege,” Representa­tive Jim Himes, a Democratic member of the committee, said on CNN.

“Now remember, it’ s the president who has the executive privilege and so they went back, conferred with the White House, and the White House said that anything that happened, any communicat­ions that happened while Steve Bannon was in the White House or during the transition, any communicat­ions were off limits,” Himes said.

 ?? AP ?? Steve Bannon
AP Steve Bannon

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