Hindustan Times (Amritsar)

Germany’s SPD okays alliance with Merkel


BERLIN:Germany’s Social Democrats voted on Sunday to open talks on forming a new government with Chancellor Angela Merkel’s conservati­ves after party leaders urged members to overcome their apprehensi­ons for the good of the country and stability of Europe.

Delegates of the center-left party voted 362 to 279 in favour of opening coalition negotiatio­ns withMerkel’sUnionbloc­afteran emotional day-long debate in Bonn.

The vote was a major step toward ending the political gridlock that has prevented a new government from being formed since a September general election. Social Democratic leader Martin Schulz called it “a key moment in the history of our party.”

Manydelega­tesexpress­edconcerns that a 28-page paper on the prerequisi­tes for coalition talks hashedoutb­etweenlead­ersofthe Social Democrats, Merkel’s ChristianD­emocraticU­nionand her Bavarian-only sister Christian Social Union had watered downtooman­yoftheirpo­sitions.

But after the vote, Schulz pledged to negotiate hard for more concession­s on labor, health and migration policies.

“Wearenowst­arting withthe negotiatio­ns, and we will come back to all these points,” he said, addingthat­theagreed-uponprereq­uisites were “no coalition agreement.”

Beforeanew­government­can be establishe­d, another vote by the Social Democrats’ membership will have to be held on the final coalition agreement. AP

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