Hindustan Times (Amritsar)


- Dipanjan Sinha ■ dipanjan.sinha@hindustant­imes.com

Can good gut bacteria help ease your joint pain? Functional medicine pioneer and founder-director of the Blum Center for Health, Susan Blum, explores this and other naturalist approaches to treating arthritis, in her new book.

But first, she delivers a statistica­l blow — 22% of American adults have arthritis and this number is only set to grow. The term ‘arthritis’ is generally used for several kinds of debilitati­ng joint pain and stiffness. Convention­al medical addresses the pain associated with this condition; there is no known cure and no clear sense of what causes arthritis in some people and not in others. In Healing Arthritis: Your 3-Step Guide To Conquering Arthritis Naturally, Blum explains that traditiona­l medication is effective during flare-ups but can’t target the disease itself.

“When it comes to arthritis it is important to find the tack (or tacks) that are causing your painful, often debilitati­ng symptoms and pull them out,” she writes.

The first place to look, she adds, is your gut, especially with auto-immune arthritis. Blum argues that arthritic pain is caused by an imbalance in microbes in the small intestine, which can cause a “leaky gut”. This condition is the breakdown of the intestinal walls that allows undigested food, bacteria and toxic waste to escape into the bloodstrea­m.

To heal the gut, she advocates an ‘arthritis protocol’ that involves a probiotic diet and stress management.

Gut health is hugely influenced by diet, so Blum recommends plenty of raw vegetables and a stern crackdown on refined sugars, food dyes, preservati­ves, glyphosate and other environmen­tal toxins. Activity is vital too, Blum says, be it a daily walk or regular exercise. The book also lists recipes designed by Blum to heal the gut and make it healthy.

For those exhausted by the rollercoas­ter results of the painkiller-led approach to arthritis management, this could be a time-consuming alternativ­e but one that is worth a shot.

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