Hindustan Times (Amritsar)

SC for balance between liberty, national security


NEW DELHI: The Supreme Court remarked on Tuesday that personal liberty of people needs to be balanced against national security concerns as the Centre defended its move to impose restrictio­ns on communicat­ion networks in Kashmir, saying the curbs had been clamped to prevent the circulatio­n of fake news messages.

“The country will be flooded with fake news from across the border if internet is restored,” solicitor general Tushar Mehta told a three-judge special bench led by justice NV Ramana and comprising justices Subhash Reddy and BR Gavai.

The bench was hearing petitions against the clampdown on communicat­ions in Kashmir.

Editor of Kashmir Times, Anuradha Bhasin, a Delhibased Kashmiri lawyer and a law student are the petitioner­s before the court.

Mehta accused the petitioner­s of raising the issue now for serving vested interests. “If the internet services are restored, there will be a barrage of WhatsApp messages coming from across the border,” he said.

Senior advocate Sanjay Hegde, appearing for the Delhibased law student from Kashmir, claimed the situation was far from normal. Pointing to an earlier order of the court, the lawyer said the government should have restored all communicat­ion channels in Kashmir. “Communicat­ion does not mean just landlines. Internet and mobile connection­s should be restored. I want to enforce my right to communicat­e with my loved ones, my parents. There is no landline connection in my house and I cannot speak with them because their mobiles are not working,” Hegde said on behalf of his client.

At this, justice Gavai clarified that the top court’s order had a caveat. “Communicat­ion lines were to be restored subject to concerns of national security. Personal liberty will have to be balanced against the requiremen­ts of national security,” the judge said.

The bench also asked to Centre to file a responses to Congress leader Ghulam Nabi Azad’s plea questionin­g the detention orders passed against prominent leaders of the state and Communist Party of India (Marxist) leader Sitaram Yechury’s petition questionin­g the house arrest of his party leader MY Tarigami.

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