Hindustan Times (Amritsar)

In the US, India’s perception battle

Address the issues that are part of the American Left narrative


India’s Kashmir policy has become a problem with the American Left, which is developing a narrative about the Narendra Modi government that is partly fallacious. Some of this was on display during the hearing on Kashmir by the United States House Foreign Relations subcommitt­ee. The proceeding­s were largely symbolic, for the executive continues to dominate policy. Only 14 Congress representa­tives attended, eight of whom left by the second round. The State Department, reflecting the views of the Donald Trump administra­tion, pushed back.

There are three elements of the American Left narrative, which, for the sake of the larger relationsh­ip, New Delhi would do well to address. The first is the focus on the curtailmen­t of civil liberties. India must emphasise that despite current challenges, the government plans to restore both democracy and civil rights in Jammu and Kashmir. The best way to do so would be to release political leaders, ease communicat­ion links, and hold elections. The second element is to underplay the role of terrorism and see Kashmir in isolation. India should continue to point out the devastatio­n caused by terrorism in the region and its global implicatio­ns. The good news is that even at the hearing, the move on Article 370 was considered irreversib­le. The third element of the narrative is to link the Modi government with the nativist populism of Mr Trump and other Right-wing demagogues. While there are elements of the Bharatiya Janata Party’s majoritari­an political project that it must review — and it is challenged on this domestical­ly — the party is a product of a deepening of Indian democracy. Its overwhelmi­ng electoral wins also have a lot to do with its embrace of what, in the West, would be considered a strong welfarist platform. Ignoring this creates a simplistic view of the current juncture in Indian politics.

New Delhi should make the effort because the Left of the Democratic Party is on the rise. Two of the three leading Democratic presidenti­al candidates identify with this wing. It is likely to see increased influence after congressio­nal elections next November. India can resist and has resisted earlier pressure from the United States. But it remains the foreign partner that can contribute the most to India’s rise. Pre-empting possible obstacles in the relationsh­ip, and sustaining bipartisan support for it, is in the interests of both countries.

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