Hindustan Times (Amritsar)





1 The way a sailor turns beds (6)

4 Is this what liquidates solid assets? (8) 9 Roman Catholics can count on it (6)

10 See 24 Across

12 It flows out of line (4)

13 Get on a governing body (5)

14 Blue due to failure to score? (4)

17 I get strained badly and go to pieces (12) 20 Shows what a discontent­ed group does (12) 23 Some considered England paradise (4) 24 and 10 Across: Evidently not turning to crime (5,8)

25 Heroic story in the news again (4) 28 Directions on a ship for finding the coast (8) 29 Mother has the first murderer brought back a deranged person (6)

30 An accommodat­ing woman (8) 31 Puzzling variations in game perhaps (6)


1 Various needs are expressed in music (8) 2 Not still lacking support (8) 3 Exhaust seen on American car (4) 5 Bold break in using a crowbar (12) 6 Some come up in a carriage (4) 7 Musical journals? (6)

8 Annoy with stinging words? (6)

11 Got up and blushed pink (4-8)

15 Line of peaks and points (5)

16 Tale of Troy’s ruin (5)

18 Taking things the wrong way? (8) 19 Local ranch where Incas ate perhaps (8) 21 Craft in which wives seldom excel (6) 22 Stay to check mother in (6)

26 One of the football team will keep it (4) 27 Sea chief (4)



1 capital of Poland (6) 4 Occurring just once (8) 9 Unevenly performed (6)

10 Avid reader (8) 12 Stratagem (4)

13 Spiteful (5)

14 An attempt (4) 17 Astounding (12)

20 Steady and well-balanced (2,2,4,4) 23 Owl’s cry (4)

24 A stone fruit (5)

25 Rumour (4)

28 Charitable gift (8)

29 Sheen on old woodwork (6) 30 Catch unawares (8)

31 Hurt (6)


1 Cupboard for clothes (8) 2 Official list (8)

3 So be it (4)

5 Russian composer d. 1975 (12) 6 Such as (4)

7 Prize of victory (6) 8 Reduce in rank (6) 11 Quarrelsom­e (12) 15 In agreement (2,3) 16 Without let-up (2,3) 18 Mistaken belief (8) 19 Severe snowstorm (8) 21 Greek Aegean island (6) 22 Embarrassi­ng position (6) 26 Have leading role (4) 27 Volcanic effluent (4)

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