Hindustan Times (Amritsar)




ACROSS 1 Store up trouble for a sea-god (7) 5 A telegram may hold back a ship (5) 8 Win everything in a lottery with the directors (5,3,5)

9 She is strangely hard about love (5) 10 I left the priest in church (7)

11 I should be, when small (6)

12 A whole lot of work for chimney sweeps (6)

15 Let care be arranged for female in tragedy (7)

17 Serving in them is a private job (5) 19 Concise descriptio­n of most liqueurs (5,3,5)

20 The hump in the middle of bridges (5) 21 Indicated it is not in action (7)


1 Baffling question for a model (5)

2 A keen traveller maybe, but to be avoided by drivers (3,3,3,4)

3 Pay for in full (7)

4 An intriguing plan? (6)

5 Room aboard (5)

6 Statistics may be vital in obtaining the result of this (6,7)

7 Suffers, having to conclude certain changes are needed (7)

11 She may turn out a successful actress (7)

13 Gives up and goes to bed (5,2) 14 Mended with audible annoyance (6)

16 It is included in the tax (5)

18 Seen, we hear, to be lying (5)



1 Alligator pear (7) 5 Porcelain (5)

8 Have exceptiona­l luck (3,3,7) 9 Aspiration (5) 10 Affected modesty (7) 11 Badly made (6) 12 Complete agreement (6) 15 Draw to oneself (7) 17 Apparition (5) 19 Feeling of satisfacti­on (13) 20 Artificial silk (5) 21 Native to a people (7)


1 Tiny garden pest (5) 2 Quite the reverse (2,3,8) 3 Remorseful (7) 4 Purpose (6) 5 Brashly self-confident (5) 6 19th-Century French art movement (13) 7 Skilled manual worker (7) 11 Totter (7)

13 Stingy person (7) 14 Make great effort (6) 16 Foreign (5) 18 Refreshing (5)

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PUZZLE 15704

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