Hindustan Times (Bathinda)

J&K police refute reports of gallantry medal to Davinder Singh from MHA


SRINAGAR: THE Jammu and Kashmir Police on Tuesday refuted reports claiming that suspended officer Davinder Singh, who was arrested along with two Hizbul Mujahideen terrorists, was awarded a gallantry medal by the Union home ministry.

The recipient of the medal was another officer of the same name, it said.

Deputy Superinten­dent of Police (DSP) Singh was arrested on Saturday in Kulgam district’s Mir Bazar while he was ferrying the two terrorists — Naveed Baba and Altaf — in a car. A lawyer, who was working as an overground worker for terror outfits, was also in the vehicle. Some media reports have said that Singh was awarded the police medal for meritoriou­s services on Independen­ce Day last year.

“It is to clarify that DYSP Davinder Singh is not awarded any Gallantry or Meritoriou­s Medal by MHA (Ministry of Home Affairs) as has been reported by some media outlets/ persons. Only gallantry medal awarded to him during his service is by the erstwhile J&K State on Independen­ce Day 2018,” the Jammu and Kashmir Police said in a tweet.

Singh, who was posted as DYSP in the anti-hijacking squad, is being grilled by a team of police and intelligen­ce investigat­ors, police said on Monday.

His office at Srinagar airport has been sealed, they said.

According to police, searches were carried out at Singh’s residence here, right next to the Army’s XV corps headquarte­rs at Badami Bagh cantonment, where he had sheltered Naveed, Altaf and a new joinee in the banned terror outfit.

Two pistols, an AK rifle and a large quantity of ammunition were seized from his residence, they said.

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