Hindustan Times (Bathinda)





1 The ice man cometh unstuck in the movies (6) 4 Curtains are spread out (6)

9 Accuse the little devil of taking every one (7) 10 Follow mother in principle (5) 11 Bundled the French back into bed (5)

12 The personific­ation of cunning (7)

13 Take what is suitable? (11)

18 Dressed for an attack, we hear (7)

20 It is paid for what baby-minders do after six (5)

22 Changes are OK in the country (5)

23 A betrayal that will pack the theatre (4-3) 24 Intentiona­lly exasperati­ng? (6)

25 The handsome young man said no, unfortunat­ely (6)


1 Many legs or shins (6)

2 Very hilly country for a plane to come to (5) 3 Keep turning a repairman out? (7) 5 Red-faced because of a mild expletive? (5) 6 Show part of a book to a worker (7) 7 They are found at sports grounds and in the street (6)

8 He goes to work on foot (11) 14 Describe wine and fish (7)

15 One who is bad and worthless (7) 16 Highly strung cause of disturbanc­e (6) 17 Conditions found in America (6)

19 Tale about the East is long (5)

21 A pointed horn clipped (5)




1 Wretchedne­ss (6) 4 Heavy rope (6) 9 Middle East salt lake (4,3) 10 Constant (5)

11 Of the sun (5)

12 Warp (7)

13 Mutual concession­s (4,3,4) 18 Characteri­stic (7)

20 A sailing vessel (5) 22 Stand very high (5) 23 Wrongfully disregard (7) 24 Religious discourse (6) 25 Displease (6) 1 Fashionabl­e (6)

2 Play for time (5) 3 Reticence (7)

5 North African mountains (5) 6 Shakespear­ean usurer (7) 7 Tell (6)

8 In close cooperatio­n (4,2,5) 14 Governing (2,5) 15 Become airborne (4,3) 16 Prestige (6)

17 Protect (6)

19 Freight (5)

21 Vestige (5)

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