Hindustan Times (Chandigarh)

Encephalit­is is still a big killer

Each day, 1518 kids die at BRD hospital, onethird of which is due to Japanese Encephalit­is

- Rhythma Kaul

GORAKHPUR Even as Uttar Pradesh chief minister Yogi Adityanath has ordered criminal action against Gorakhpur’s BRD Medical College and Hospital staff and the oxygen supplying firm for 30 child deaths between August 9 and August 11, 15 to 18 children continue to die each day at the 950-bed facility.

One third of these deaths are from encephalit­is.

Ninety seven of the 1,527 child deaths between July 1 and August 14 were from the mosquito-borne Japanese Encephalit­is (JE) and Acute Encephalit­is Syndrome (AES), which is caused by other toxins, viruses and bacteria, among others.

JE and AES deaths continue to account for roughly two-thirds of child deaths in the hospital which was recently in the news when 30 children died in 48 hours due to an alleged lack of oxygen.

From January 1 till August 22, the hospital recorded 625 AES admissions, of which 158 children died. More than 30% of the cases and deaths were reported between July and mid-August.

It’s not unusual. Of the 2,729 child deaths from all causes in 2016, close to 45% (1,218) take place when monsoon peaks between July and October.

On August 14, as many as 24 deaths took place, when there was no disruption­s.

“On an average, there are between 10 and 20 deaths each day at this time of the year. AES has got very high mortality rate of around 30% and since this is a referral hospital, all the babies admitted in the neonatal wards are brought in when they are critical,” said a senior administra­tive official, requesting anonymity.

The newly-appointed principal, Dr PK Singh, says, “We get very sick babies because most parents seek local remedies and treatment from quacks before they bring their children to hospital. Add to it the load of sick newborns and pre-term babies and deaths go up.” “You may find two to three babies on one bed or two babies in one incubator but that’s because we try not to turn anyone away. We provide the best of care possible under the given circumstan­ces, which is not enough at times,” said Dr Singh.

“Since children are vaccinated against mosquito-borne JE, deaths have gone down. Most deaths are now from AES,” said Dr Harish Tiwari, lecturer, department of community medicine, BRD.

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