Hindustan Times (Chandigarh)

What it means: From ‘cake philosophy’ to ‘ambitious managed divergence’

- Prasun Sonwalkar

LONDON: As Britain leaves the European Union, the discourse has spawned a new lexicon that may confound the unfamiliar even if ‘Brexit’ is a familiar word now. As EU and British negotiator­s spar publicly on meanings and fine print, new terms and phrases have emerged, as the formal exit date of March 29, 2019 draws near.

Here are 10 that would have intrigued even Sir Humphrey Appleby of ‘Yes Prime Minister’ fame:

Soft and hard Brexit:

The two options of whether the UK retains close links with the EU after Brexit (the soft option) or makes a clean break (the hard option)

Hard border: The only EU country with which the UK shares a border is Ireland, but in practice there are no border posts and the movement of people and goods is seamless . Due to the close historical, economic and people-to-people ties between Ireland and Northern Ireland, the desire is not to have border posts (the hard border) between the two.

Ambitious managed divergence: The ‘ambition’ of the Theresa May government to ‘diverge’ from the EU after Brexit but retain ('manage') those links that it believes will be beneficial to the UK, such as those relating to trade and economy.

Regulatory alignment: This refers to the UK meeting obligation­s of the EU, even after Brexit. The phrase, first used in EU documents, is opposed by pro-brexit ministers and MPS. It means continued membership of the European Single Market and the Customs Union, which comes with certain obligation­s.

Cake philosophy: Part of talk in Brussels to ridicule London’s ambiguous position, which is seen as wanting to ‘cherry-pick’ parts of the EU that it believes will benefit the UK after Brexit is complete.

Three baskets theory: Another version of the cake philosophy. It refers to three scenarios: one where standards stay fully aligned with the EU, one where London has the option to diverge in future, and a third where it makes a clean break from the EU.

Divorce bill: The payment UK needs to make as part of the final withdrawal settlement of its ongoing contributi­on as a member of the EU. Estimated to be 35 to 39 billion pounds.

Cliff edge: The day when the UK’S exit from the EU takes effect and is faced with a scenario in which EU laws and regulation­s no longer apply. This is of most concern to British businesses who trade across the UK and face the prospect of losing access to the European Single Market.

Remoaners: Those who voted to remain in the EU, deeply regret the 2016 referendum vote to leave the EU, and believe that Brexit can be reversed either though another referendum or another mid-term election.

Transition: Subject of intense negotiatio­ns in Brussels, this refers to a period after March 29, 2019 when the UK s expected to continue to follow EU rules until it has transposed them into British law and put in place systems to function outside the EU.

 ?? AFP FILE ?? This carnival float on Brexit neatly sums it up
AFP FILE This carnival float on Brexit neatly sums it up

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