Hindustan Times (Chandigarh)

The same old story on new year resolution­s

- Pallavi Singh

Iam already veering off course from my new year resolution­s. With every newspaper, magazine and social media site inundating us with reams of articles and sermons extolling the virtues of making a new beginning, I promise not to bore you dear reader, but bear with me a while.

Year after year, like to an obstinate, recalcitra­nt child, we receive ‘gyan’ from every quarter. ‘Enjoy today because there is no tomorrow’, ‘don’t hoard’, ‘exercise dutifully because the body is your temple’, ‘show tolerance towards neighbours’ and ‘eat healthy’ so much so that I am pretty jaded this time around.

It’s not that I didn’t try. I am not a quitter in case some of you are turning up your righteous noses at me. For the past few days, it’s all I’ve been doing, mind you, but old habits die hard. Is it just me or do you also sometimes, if not all the time, get this sinking feeling that each day is going to turn out exactly like the previous one, whatever one may do? It’s not as if there’s a free vacation beckoning monthly is there?

I woke up bright and chirpy on January 1 and headed towards the park for the much resolved walk but not without giving poor hubby dear a stern lecture while extolling the virtues and long-term benefits of fresh air, good health, and new year resolution­s. Much to my chagrin and already weakening resolve as I noticed the bleak day out of the window, he rolled over in the warm bed, opened a bleary eye at me and putting a pillow over his head continued snoring softly.

A few days later, the routine is becoming laboured and the weather is not helping either. I mean one can’t be catching a chill romping all over the park

us at my age and in this terrible cold too, so now I am writing this snug in bed with a hot water bottle nestled between my toes and studiously avoiding my husband’s sniggers.

The truth is that neighbours and certain nasty people in your life don’t change, come what may but, as resolved, I did my best in the first few days of this year to send them some positive and happy vibes but have not received any in return so that’s clearly not working.

Of course the health pundits and dieticians have been overly kind to us humble folk for quite some time and, shockingly, given us the go ahead to freely include desi ghee, nuts and homemade desserts in our diet so I am definitely on target there. Eating healthy has never been easier, never mind the wicked weighing scales tilting dangerousl­y once this new year gets a little older.

I also overhauled my wardrobe at the end of last year and in a fit of passion gave away a lot of clothes. Today I saw my house help wearing a nice fitting sweater. On a closer look, I realised it was mine and for a minute I actually regretted passing it on.

My daughter, peering over my shoulder as I write this is horrified, and is telling me that’s my best new year resolution by far!


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