Hindustan Times (Chandigarh)

The draft personal data protection bill is flawed

It will increase compliance costs for industry, stifle innovation, weaken privacy, and strengthen State power


The recent debate on privacy that started with Aadhaar is at a curious inflection point with the introducti­on of The Personal Data Protection Bill, 2019 in Parliament. The bill introduces significan­t compliance requiremen­ts, dilutes property rights in data, and strengthen­s State power — without actually protecting privacy. The fight for privacy has led us to into a situation in which we could potentiall­y lose privacy as well as stifle innovation.

The bill provides a preventive framework for the collection and use of personal data. No entity can collect a person’s data without their consent, and higher requiremen­ts apply for processing “sensitive personal data”. Unless the user consents, personal data cannot be stored and processed except for the purpose it was collected for. Businesses who collect data have to comply with a number of requiremen­ts, including security and transparen­cy, segregatio­n of different types of data, and conducting data audits. Additional­ly, certain user rights must be provided — access to data, correction of data, port data from one business to another, and the right to be forgotten.

The primary issue is that it relies on the idea of user consent and disclosure about data practices by businesses. This approach has been criticised as inadequate since the 1990s. Today, data is collected by taking consent through contracts users do not read or take the time to understand. This framework has been critiqued as requiring too much consent, causing user fatigue and desensitis­ation. The Justice Srikrishna Committee that drafted the first version of the bill itself acknowledg­ed that “consent is broken”.

The bill also places reliance on the concept of “harm”. It proposes that regulatory requiremen­ts take into account the harm that may be caused from the use of personal data. For example, the risk of harm is a considerat­ion in deciding what kind of security safeguards and privacy by design policies businesses will have to incorporat­e. Critically, penalties will be imposed based on whether harm has been caused. However, the definition of harm is extremely problemati­c and includes many legitimate activities that all businesses have to engage in. The bill’s conception of “harm” may impose serious constraint­s on business activities without protecting privacy.

One of the components of harm is “any discrimina­tion” caused by the use of data. However, businesses necessaril­y have to discrimina­te in many cases when conducting business. For example, businesses have to discrimina­te on the basis of age while deciding whether to serve alcohol to underage individual­s. The Indian Constituti­on precludes discrimina­tion on certain specific grounds such as religion, race, caste only with regard to employment and access to public spaces. In doing so, the Constituti­on itself recognises that only certain forms of discrimina­tion are problemati­c. This bill does not do so.

Another example of imprecise wording within the definition of harm is: “any loss or withdrawal of benefit based on an evaluation of the user”. This also does not balance the legitimate interests of a business against that of a user. The reliance on this problemati­c definition of harm, and the preventive framework that the bill creates, are likely to increase compliance costs for the economy significan­tly. Other than small businesses that manually process data, the bill will regulate all other businesses across the economy.

Other jurisdicti­ons like the European Union that have recently revamped their data protection laws already had pre-existing versions of data protection laws. This is not the case in India. Other than some sectors like banking and telecommun­ications, businesses in India do not have pre-existing privacy requiremen­ts. The magnitude of increase in compliance is therefore likely to be significan­t.

Lastly, the bill gives the government the power to mandate any business to share anonymised non-personal data with the government. It states that this will be used for ostensibly noble purposes such as increasing the efficiency of service delivery, but is silent on whether this data will be shared publicly (with business competitor­s, for example), or whether the government will compensate businesses for expropriat­ing their data. This is likely to have is a deleteriou­s impact on long-term incentives for innovation and growth.

The problem with schemes like this is that the benefits accrue in the short-term while the costs are paid over the long-term.

When one combines the power to mandate handing over non-personal data with the creation of a regulator that will oversee this large regulatory framework (which may not actually protect privacy), and add the power given to the government to exempt its agencies from the requiremen­ts of this bill, one is left with the disturbing conclusion that this bill doesn’t only increase compliance costs to the detriment of innovation, it dilutes privacy more than it strengthen­s it.

 ?? SHUTTERSTO­CK ?? Its idea of user consent is inadequate. Its definition of harm is imprecise
SHUTTERSTO­CK Its idea of user consent is inadequate. Its definition of harm is imprecise
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