Hindustan Times (Chandigarh)

What India can do to avoid US sanctions over Russia


Even as President Joe Biden and Prime Minister Narendra Modi are set to meet this week for the in-person Quad summit, they could face a devastatin­g setback if the United States (US) sanctions India in the coming months. The US’S Countering America’s Adversarie­s Through Sanctions Act (CAATSA) could compel the Biden administra­tion to impose sanctions on India when it takes delivery of the Russian S-400 air defence system at the end of 2021. This move could deal a blow to the relationsh­ip, and their Indo-pacific strategies. But if Indian leaders can acknowledg­e the US’S ire with Russia, assume greater burden-sharing, and adopt realism in its dealings with DC, it might better position itself for a sanctions waiver.

The CAATSA legislatio­n compels the US to impose secondary sanctions on any entity that does business with the Russian defence industrial complex. The S-400 delivery to India would constitute such a trigger. Most experts conclude that US sanctions on India would be self-defeating as it would damage defence relations, raise concerns about US unreliabil­ity, and harm India’s ability to shape a balance of power in the Indo-pacific.

The US is counting on India to deter and defend against Chinese military aggression and to share the security burden of upholding a rules-based order in the Indian Ocean. India is counting on US partnershi­p to abet its rise in Asia through defence technologi­es, market access, and political support. Sanctions would compromise critical US and Indian interests in the Indo-pacific.

The Biden administra­tion is not unaware of the stakes. It has prioritise­d China as its pacing challenge and the Indo-pacific as the key theatre for competitio­n. This should be evident in actions, from the Pentagon’s internal China Task Force to the withdrawal from Afghanista­n to the nuclear submarine deal with Australia. Neverthele­ss, Indian strategist­s should appreciate the context animating the US sanctions.

The US has been under attack by Russia — cyber offensives on US companies and infrastruc­ture, disinforma­tion campaigns sowing division in the American polity, and direct interferen­ce in US elections. Congress retaliated with major sanctions legislatio­n — which critics charge was hastily written and poorly crafted — to punish the Russian defence industrial complex, which perpetrate­d the attack, and is increasing­ly collaborat­ing with China on advanced military technologi­es.

CAATSA proponents discount the collateral damage to allies and partners from secondary sanctions as small and manageable compared to the costs inflicted on Russian targets. That India remains silent and even dismissive of these attacks on the US homeland has frustrated US officials, even while Washington has actively backed India in militarise­d crises with China in recent years.

Sanctions also seek to discourage partners from inducting advanced Russian systems into their arsenals, which could introduce counter-intelligen­ce and cybersecur­ity risks. This can obstruct the type of Us-india defence cooperatio­n that requires network interopera­bility for joint military operations.

But even if the Biden administra­tion concludes that the Indo-pacific strategy supersedes the Russia policy, India is a vital pillar, and interopera­bility challenges are surmountab­le, it still has to deal with Congress.

While the President possesses the legal discretion to issue a waiver, if sidelined, Congress has the power to retaliate with legislatio­n that ties the president’s hands as it did over Turkey. Congress can also jam the Biden administra­tion’s foreign policy efforts, as it has with dozens of senior foreign policy appointmen­ts, some specifical­ly over the administra­tion’s Russia policy. Coaxing Congress on a waiver for India costs precious bandwidth and political capital, which an administra­tion has to jealously guard when it also seeks to pass generation­al legislatio­n overhaulin­g America’s physical and social infrastruc­ture.

India can help its own case. First, it can leverage its voice and find opportunit­ies to condemn the transgress­ions the US regards as grave threats — cyber attacks, disinforma­tion operations, militarise­d coercion, election interferen­ce — without naming perpetrato­rs.

Second, India can demonstrat­e its value. While Indo-pacific partners look to signs of US reliabilit­y, Washington seeks new levels of reciprocit­y. India can visibly take on greater burden-sharing in the Indo-pacific by securing the maritime commons (through expanded operations, access, and intel-sharing), ramping up vaccine manufactur­ing and exports, or leveraging its regional political influence in support of US positions (backchanne­lling to defuse the Mauritian threat to Diego Garcia). Any of these actions would reveal to US leaders the significan­t opportunit­y cost of sanctions.

Third, India can adopt greater realism in its dealings with Washington. Congressio­nal backers of the Us-india defence partnershi­p warn of the mounting frustratio­n at India’s expectatio­ns of entitlemen­t and exceptiona­lism. India can start by exercising more judiciousn­ess in sourcing arms procuremen­ts, particular­ly in sensitive domains where it seeks cooperatio­n with the US. India’s proud multi-alignment strategy has to also be accompanie­d by an acknowledg­ement of its limits. The AUKUS nuclear submarine deal has revitalize­d New Delhi’s expectatio­ns of big-ticket technology transfers. But India will have to accept that America’s most generous technology partnershi­ps are reserved for its closest treaty allies, who willingly sacrifice some of their sovereignt­y and make commitment­s to advance US interests.

Despite this, the US and India can be tremendous partners in the Indo-pacific, jointly boosting each other’s defence and technologi­cal capabiliti­es and coordinati­ng each other’s political and economic leverage to advance mutual strategic interests in the region.

Finally, it would behove both sides to plan for the worst to mitigate consequenc­es if sanctions are implemente­d. Unlike recent diplomatic crises sparked by indiscreti­ons, CAATSA sanctions are predictabl­e and can be narrowly tailored.

While India may have to react and even retaliate, it can do so with dispassion­ate compulsion to contain fallout to a setback rather than a full-blown crisis. If some modest financial penalties, or a foreign air defence system, can unravel the logic of a grand strategy oriented around the Indo-pacific, it begs the question of how strategic was the partnershi­p to begin with.

Sameer Lalwani is a senior fellow at Stimson Center The views expressed are personal

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