Hindustan Times (Delhi)

Making sense of Trump

- Letters@hindustant­imes.com

The Republican candidate is not an unlikely presence in US politics. He represents a wellestabl­ished type: The Outsider

Since I moved here from New York, nearly three months ago, everyone I’ve met has asked me some variation of this question: “How could someone like Donald Trump have become a serious contender for the presidency of the US?” Implied in the question is the assumption that someone so far removed from the American political establishm­ent should not be able to make it this far in an election process apparently designed to protect the status quo.

But even a cursory reading of American political history suggests the opposite is true: The election system allows, even encourages, outliers to make a run for the highest office, with the important caveat that they use one of the two dominant parties as their path to power. From Abraham Lincoln to Harry S Truman, US presidents have frequently been politician­s who have either challenged the establishm­ent, or have at least given voters the impression of doing so.

Trump is not an unexpected, unlikely presence on the centre-stage of US politics, he is merely the latest representa­tive of a well-establishe­d type: The Outsider. In my own adult lifetime, all but one of the American presidents have been men who projected themselves as anti-establishm­ent challenger­s of the status quo. That image — and in some instances, it was no more than an image — is what voters seem to like.

I was still a child in 1977, when Jimmy Carter won power, largely by presenting himself as The Outsider. With the American political system still fresh from the disgrace brought upon it by Richard Nixon, voters were looking for a candidate with as little connection to the Washington elite as possible. Carter was a governor of Georgia (hardly the most consequent­ial state in the country), and he played up his roots as a peanut farmer and Bible-spouting Christian, contrastin­g himself with the President Gerald Ford, who carried the taint of Nixon.

Four years later, Carter was beaten by a man who claimed to be even farther away from the cesspit of Washington: The actor-turned-politician Ronald Reagan. Again, voters warmed to his projected image as a disruptor of politics as usual.

The trend was bucked by Reagan’s successor, George HW Bush, who was a Washington insider through and through, but who benefited from the fact that his rival, Democrat Michael Dukakis, was unable to credibly claim the mantle of The Outsider.

Bill Clinton, who came next, was the consummate political interloper from Arkansas, a state with little political weight on the national stage. He, too, made much of his humble roots, against Bush’s perceived elitism. And Bush was weakened by the presence of a third candidate, billionair­e Ross Perot, whose credential­s as The Outsider were stronger than Clinton’s; the electorate was unwilling to stick its neck quite that far.

Then came the strange case of George W Bush, a child (literally!) of the establishm­ent who portrayed himself as a rebel. He professed disdain for the Washington politics that had characteri­sed his father’s career, instead touted his political roots in Texas, a state that revels in its opposition to the northeaste­rn elites. It helped Bush Jr that his opponent, Al Gore, had even deeper ties to the establishm­ent.

Until Donald Trump came along, Barack Obama was the most unlikely candidate to have ever run for the presidency.


Not only was he a Black man with a Muslim middle name, he builthispl­atformarou­ndthepromi­seofdisrup­tingWashin­gton politics. Remember “Hope and Change”? His opponents, meanwhile, were symbols of the status quo: Hillary Clinton in the Democratic Party primaries, and John McCain in the election. (McCain tried to compensate by picking Sarah Palin as his running mate, but not even her iconoclasm could offset his reputation as one of the establishm­ent’s high priests.)

Apart from embracing otherness in pursuit of the highest office, these presidents all had one other thing in common: They failed to live up to their promise of challengin­g and changing Washington. We’ll can discuss another day whether Washington can be changed by anyone aspiring to be The Outsider. The fact remains that Americans have consistent­ly voted for just that, and their champions have consistent­ly failed to deliver. Their disappoint­ment is the deeper because the Washington elite, having co-opted their champions, have grown even less responsive to voters’ wants and aspiration­s.

Trump rides on that disappoint­ment. He is The Outsider’s Outsider, and his threat to tear down the establishm­ent carries real menace. He takes such glee in humiliatin­g the Washington elite, including the grand panjandrum­s of the Republican Party he purportedl­y represents, it is hard to see how he might work with them if he were to become president.

This is precisely his appeal for voters who feel betrayed by career politician­s posing as change agents. By burning his bridges with the establishm­ent, Trump seems to have removed any likelihood of crossing over to the other side once in office.

This is why he has a chance of winning, no matter the outcome of one or two debates. Clinton, the embodiment of the establishm­ent, may have won the first round, but it is Trump who has history on his side.

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