Hindustan Times (Delhi)

A lead, but a slender one


After Monday’s debate, undecided voters could be moving towards Hillary Clinton

The first and potentiall­y only debate pitting the two candidates for White House against each other revealed that only one, Hillary Clinton, is genuinely presidenti­al. The Democratic candidate was able to show off her best qualities including a remarkable ability to grasp and retain even the smallest policy detail. Her Republican rival, Donald Trump, had come into the debate with a slightly less maverick image, sticking to crafted scripts and sounding almost reasonable on issues like immigratio­n and Barack Obama’s supposed foreign birth. But he reverted to his original free-wheeling style and came out looking as terribly unready to assume the most powerful political office in the world.

On foreign policy, Ms Clinton’s lead over her Republican rival was almost embarrassi­ng. Which is why, as she noted, the idea of a Trump administra­tion has unnerved US allies. It is no secret that almost no government in the world would like to see him elected. Even government­s that are not necessaril­y friendly to Washington would prefer a predictabl­e figure in charge of the US nuclear arsenal and war machine. And Mr Trump’s claims to have a “secret plan” to destroy Islamic State would rightly be seen by the terrorist state as evidence that he has no idea what to do about them. The fact is that given the paucity of talent in his campaign team, zero evidence that his more outrageous statements are just playing to the gallery and his controvers­ial policy views, Trump would be a disastrous chief executive for the US.

Yet the volatile state of the US domestic polity is such that most government­s would prefer not to say this for fear of angering US voters and giving Mr Trump a fillip. In terms of the popular vote, the polls show Mr Trump eating away at Ms Clinton’s earlier lead. This need not translate into him winning the electoral college, which decides the presidency. But that is not a definite certainty. White working-class anger against the ruling establishm­ent remains powerful — and it is this resentment that has allowed Mr Trump to reach the place he is today. Almost a quarter of US voters remains undecided or is looking at third party candidates. These are “floaters” — undecided voters — who could easily swing the election one way or another. As voting day comes closer, traditiona­lly this type of voter goes for the candidate who shows the most leadership ability. After the presidenti­al debate on Monday, it is evident that this person is Ms Clinton despite her personal failings. The next step is to persuade the US voter that “presidenti­al” is what their country and the world need.

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