Hindustan Times (Delhi)

Guard of high-rise sneaks into woman’s flat, attempts rape

- Peeyush Khandelwal peeyush.khandelwal@htlive.com

HORROR Female engineer fights back; guard held from bathroom of flat in the same society

26-year-old security guard of a high-rise in Greater Noida was arrested on Friday night after he allegedly sneaked into the flat of a young woman and tried to rape her.

The woman, who works as an engineer, was reportedly alone in her flat on the 12th floor at the time of the incident. The accused was allegedly inebriated and rushed out when the woman raised an alarm.

It is alleged that before entering the woman’s flat, the guard bolted the flat of her next-door neighbours from outside. When the woman raised an alarm they could not rush out to help. The guard also allegedly bolted the door of the victim’s flat from inside.

The incident took place under Surajpur police station area around 10.30pm.

The accused, Raj Kumar, reportedly hails from Hathras in Uttar Pradesh.

“He allegedly tried to rape the woman but she put up a tough fight and also raised an alarm. She ran out and alerted the neighbours. Hearing her cries, residents arrived but the guard used the lift and fled the spot. We have filed an FIR for rape attempt and house trespass against the accused,” said Maneesh Saxena, station house officer, Surajpur.

“I identified the accused guard as I had called him to my flat when my almirah keys went missing on May 31. He had come to break the lock. I have also seen him a couple of times on duty at the main gate,” the woman said in her complaint.

As the guard went missing after the incident, police picked up his brother who also works as a security guard in the same society and an extensive search was launched.

“The accused guard was found hiding in the bathroom of a vacant flat. He was arrested. Upon questionin­g, he told that he was drunk and inadverten­tly went to the flat of the woman whose door he says was open. However, we questioned his motive of going to the 12th-floor flat but he could not reply. He was arrested and legal procedures will follow,” Saxena told Hindustan Times.

According to the police, the building has some vacant flats which have still not been handed over to their owners. Some of the security guards of the society have occupied such flats and live among residents.

The residents have raised security concerns after the alleged incident. The woman also raised suspicion that more security guards could be involved in the incident. The police said that they will investigat­e the issue further and question other guards as well.

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