Hindustan Times (Delhi)

Who’s afraid of feminism?

It’s a philosophy of equality that has a crucial role to play now


One is not born, but rather, becomes a woman,” wrote Simone de Beauvoir in her seminal book The Second Sex. At the time, the book was considered so radical that the Vatican put it on the Index Librorum Prohibitor­um (index of prohibited books). Beauvoir died at the age of 78 on this day 32 years ago, leaving behind a legacy of revolution­ary thinking, activism, and having spurred the beginning of the ‘second wave’ of feminism. As an existentia­list, Beauvoir believed that human beings create their own values through their consciousn­ess, and not simply by some inborn “essence”. She drew upon this philosophy to describe the sex-gender distinctio­n, where there is a difference between biological sex assigned to a child at birth, and the social and historical constructi­on of gender and the stereotype­s that become associated with them. Her argument is that all children are born the same way, but become conditione­d by the society to think that men must behave a certain way and women in certain others. She calls women the ‘second sex’ because historical­ly, women have always been defined in relation to men, as though the male was the ideal — that women could only aspire to be, but can never really become.

In the shadow of the horrific alleged rape in Unnao and alleged rape and murder in Kathua, and worldwide acknowledg­ment of workplace harassment of women (#Metoo, #Timesup), feminism has an important role to play. It is past time to amend the widespread belief that feminism is a philosophy of women hating men. Feminism is the revolution­ary political idea that women and men are not all that different. The insecurity that arises with changes in traditiona­lly male-dominated societies, in which women believe they must have equal powers as men, can often manifest as violence against all women. That fear, insecurity, and violence is what feminism aims to solve.

By putting her finger on the problem of social constructi­on of gendered identities, Beauvoir took the first step in decipherin­g the problem of violence against women. Progress from identifyin­g the problem to beginning to solve it, however, continues to be a slow and painful process. One way to speed it up is to educate society about the ideas of feminism and gender parity. As the fourth wave of feminism takes shape, it’s time to reclaim the legacy of Simone de Beauvoir, and see feminism for what it is: a philosophy of equality.

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