Hindustan Times (Delhi)

What you need to do:


Cut the coloured cardstock paper in half length-wise. Cut a triangle shape out of the end of one of the pieces and set the paper scrap aside.

Bend the other paper strip so the ends touch each other but don’t make a folded crease in the paper. Cut a triangle shape out of the bent side of the paper. Now you will end up with a diamond shape. Cut the diamond in half to get two separate triangles.

Use your markers arkers to draw lines on the triangles to look like fish fins. Turn the larger triangle e over and draw w lines on the back too.

Bend the large rectangle piece in half again. Slide the large e triangle inside e the back of the rectangle and place three sta- ples to close the paper together in the middle and two ends.

Use glue dots or tacky glue to glue a large googly eye on each side of the fish face.

Bend the large rectangle piece in half again. Slide the large triangle inside the back of the rectangle and place three staples to close the paper together in the middle and two ends.

Use glue dots or tacky glue to paste a large googly eye on each side of the fish face.

Glue the two smaller triangle fins on the sides of the fish. Bend the outside of the fins out slightly so they sit off of the fish a little adding to the two dimensiona­l look.

Add glue to the bottom half of the paper fish craft. Sprinkle the tacky glue with sequins. Turn the paper fish craft over and add more tacky glue and sequins to the other side. Allow

the glue to dry.

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