Hindustan Times (Delhi)



Strengthen­ing the bond of affection, KR Mangalam World School, Vikaspuri, recently welcomed delegates from Neue Kautonssch­ule School in Aarau, Switzerlan­d on their eight-day visit to India. The school bubbled with enthusiasm when the delegates mingled with the children. The guests were given a warm welcome by the school band. The principal inaugurate­d the welcome assembly by lighting the ceremonial lamp which signifies peace and auspicious­ness. They were delighted to see an event on Incredible India which depicted the dances of India. The guests were mesmerised by Lavani, Ghoomer and Bhangra performanc­es of the Mangalites. Flavio Rohner and Ria Zohler, the accompanyi­ng teachers of the Swiss student delegates, compliment­ed the efforts of the Mangalitie­s. The principal formally welcomed the delegates and hoped for a rewarding learning experience for both schools. The assembly ended with a Namaskar. The event was followed by an interactiv­e session. The students formally introduced them- selves and talked about their hobbies. With the excitement of the festive season in the air, the Swiss students along with the host students displayed their creativity by decorating the puja thalis. The next day the Swiss delegates along with the host students tapped their feet to music numbers and performed aerobics. Then they presented their culinary skills along with the Mangalite master chefs. The Swiss delegates were escorted to the astronomy and robotics clubs where they experience­d, explored and exhibited their skills to make their learning everlastin­g. Thereafter, the delegates adorned themselves in traditiona­l Indian attire provided by the host family. After the musical session, they visited the Swiss Embassy. An open discussion was held at the embassy, which centred on Indian cuisine, varied languages, diversifie­d culture and heterogene­ous religions. On the way back they visited the Rashtrapat­i Bhavan and Parliament. A visit was planned to Trampoline Park and Kingdom of Dreams. The festivitie­s were enhanced with the visit to epitome of love, the Taj Mahal.

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