Hindustan Times (Delhi)

Washington takes on Beijing

The US has finally woken up to the Chinese threat. This is good


The United States (US) and China are the world’s two superpower­s and they can barely stand each other. Senior US officials have given four speeches explaining why their government feels it is no longer possible to do business-as-usual with China. The US Secretary of State, Mike Pompeo, gave the last one, adding a call for other democracie­s to recognise the nature of the threat, and suggesting that perhaps an “alliance of democracie­s” was the need of the hour, particular­ly in the Indo-pacific. Earlier, the US’ national security adviser, attorney general and head of the Federal Bureau of Investigat­ion gave exposition­s on elements of Beijing’s “designs for hegemony”. The statements portrayed present-day China as a powerful entity, controlled by a malevolent leader, Xi Jinping, and a communist party, whose ideology of control and repression was being offered as a template for governance. China, they argued, seeks to extend its technology-enhanced thought control beyond its own borders. Mr Pompeo pointed to Beijing’s overseas behaviour — treating treaties as “suggestion­s,” violating every possible economic norm, disrespect­ing territoria­l norms — as predatory and unpreceden­ted.

Friction between a rising power and a status quo power is basic internatio­nal relations theory. The US argument is that China has become a major global player by working within an internatio­nal order of which it is a primary beneficiar­y. Instead of seeking to embrace this order, Mr Xi has taken China down a darker path in which his own people have been the first victims and the rest of the world could be next. Mr Pompeo admits containmen­t is no longer possible, but if “like-minded nations” push back concertedl­y, China can still be kept at bay.

This will be music to New Delhi’s ears. Few government­s have consistent­ly had as unblinkere­d a view of China as New Delhi. Mr Pompeo now calls for others to practise this, but India has long insisted on reciprocit­y and transparen­cy from China. In the past, India preferred not to raise its concerns in the internatio­nal arena because its views of the Middle Kingdom were seen as petulance, including by Washington. But New Delhi should still wait to see if these speeches represent a new US consensus. Strikingly, the new “Trump doctrine” was laid out by everyone except the president. And the other candidate for the Oval Office, while agreeing China is a competitor, believes he can still do business with it. The US policy remains a work-in-progress.

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