Hindustan Times (Gurugram) - Hindustan Times (Gurugram) - City



(RIGHT) @Sethrogen: My sister just informed me I used some sort of eye makeup. Mascara I think @RWitherspo­on: I am so moved by this letter, Alianza Nacional De Campesinas. Talking to my peers, we remind each other that this issue does not just exist in Hollywood. We all have to stand up for necessary changes that will keep ALL work environmen­ts safe. @rainnwilso­n: OMG the 15 hour Vietnam War doc on @PBS by @KenBurns is 1 of the greatest things to ever be on TV. A fascinatin­g never-before-seen exposé of worstest chapter in US history. #VietnamWar @jimmykimme­l: The more I learn about this health care plan @realDonald­Trump is offering, the more I lik e it! #TrumpCare @Schwarzene­gger: Thank you to every single veteran. I know that my life wouldn’t be possible without your service, and our country wouldn’t be the greatest without your sacrifice. #VeteransDa­y

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