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Angelina Idnani says Saif had told her that she reminds him of his daughter Sara, and Rani gifted her a puppy on her birthday

- Monika Rawal Kukreja

Rani di was more like a mother [to me] whereas with Saif uncle, it was more of jokes and him roaming around in his boxers, chilling with us,” recalls Angelina Idnani, who played SaifRani’s on-screen daughter, Princess, in the film.

Angelina, now 19 years old, admits she’s very much in the Princess mode even today. “I’ve always wanted to be like a diva. As a kid, I kept dancing at home, putting on makeup and trying on new clothes. Ta Ra Rum Pum just helped me reach there but then circumstan­ces were such that I stopped acting,” says Angelina, who lost her father when she was in the sixth grade, and didn’t continue with films after that.

Recounting memories of shooting for this film, she shares how she used to fight a lot with her on-screen brother, Ali. “We had a really bad experience together but later it got better. I really got angry about the fact that Ali and I share the same birthday as well — October 30. I didn’t expect that and we both celebrated it together in Mumbai at Yash Raj Studios.”

But what did they fight about? “There was a scene where Ali had Bruno (the dog) and I didn’t, so he got to hold the leash and that made me really angry and I felt that the scene won’t make any sense,” she says.

Any special memories with Rani and Saif ? “Rani di gifted me a puppy on my birthday and Saif uncle said that I remind him of his daughter [Sara Ali Khan],” says Angelina who is pursuing a diploma in Fashion Marketing, and plans to make her full-fledged Bollywood debut soon.

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